11. drawing

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Thomas pov

I couldn't believe my eyes. "What is it? And why would you be ashamed for something like this?" I asked. I had many questions, but I decided to ask only two. The rest would come later. "Whenever I am very sad, or very happy or whatever, I go to this place and I draw or paint things and hang them on the wall" Dylan said a little insecure. I started to walk around the place. "Wow, this is beautiful. I didn't know you were so creative! This is something to be proud of, not ashamed" I said while I walked to the middle of the room. There was a desk with a unfinished drawing. "You draw a lot of people" I said with a smile. Dylans face turned red and he looked at the paper on the desk. I grabbed the paper.
"Please don't look at it, you don't want to" Dylan said very insecure.
I looked at the paper, I went silent for a couple of minutes.
But still I was the first one to talk. "It's me... you drew me" I couldn't do or say anything else but stare at the beautiful drawing.
"I can explain" Dylan said.
"You don't have to, why would you? This is amazing, I wish I had a talent like this" I said before I walked to Dylan and hugged him short. "Can I keep it?" I asked with a big smile. "Well..." "awweee, please?" "when it's finished" he finally said. "Yess!" I said.

Dylan pov

I was glad Thomas liked the drawing so much. I was afraid I had to explain why I drew him.
"And my friends thought I was a badass" I laughed. Thomas frowned "what do you mean?" He asked. "Every time I skipped a class, they thought I would go home or to a friend or something. When I just went to this place to draw." I smiled when I looked around the place.

Suddenly I felt something weird in my stomach, I couldn't explain what it was. "Are you alright?" Thomas asked concerned. "yeah... no... well, I don't know what it is" I said confused. Thomas laid his hand on my shoulder and a strange feeling rushed through my shoulder, just like when I was at Thomas' house. What is he doing to me? I grabbed his hand, but not to hold it. I grabbed his hand and removed it from my shoulder. "What's wrong?" Thomas asked concerned. "It's me, isn't it?" He asked sad. Before I could say anything he said "I knew it, I am so sorry, I'll leave now" and then he left. I was speechless, I wanted him to stay so bad, and now he was gone. "Shit" I whispered. I got a big piece of paper and started to draw.
I drew Thomas, and then I drew me.
No holding back, draw from your feelings.
I drew Thomas hands, then I drew my hands, holding Thomas' hands.
I drew rain, then an umbrella to keep us dry.
Was this what I wanted?

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