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I decided to go through with my plan after I dropped Jack off at his house. Friday would be the last day I'll stay connected with him. It pained me to do that to him but all I could feel at the moment is that it would be the best thing for him. For the both of us. Holly was right about us just going in circles so I decided to stop the cycle and do what I had to do.

In the morning I decided to wait for him by the locker one last time. His bright smile came upon his face when he saw me there. He ran to me happily. "Good morning Markimoo."

I smiled slightly as I messed with his hair and he blushed. "Good morning my Jackaboy."

"You happy to be back in school?"

I forced a laugh. "I never wanted to be here to begin with."

He gives me a weird look. "What about me?"

I sighed. "I'm happy to have met you Jack. You're the reason I do my best to come to school."

He smiled happily as the bell rang. "Let's get to class."

Throughout the whole day I watched him be the happy loud boy that he was. The more time that I spent with him, more guilt would grow in my chest. I could see how fond he became of me and how much he really needed me. And I realized how much he meant the world to me but I wasn't the type to just let my feelings out. I haven't been that type since forever.

In lunch, Jack kept babbling about how much he missed me.

"You have no idea how much I missed you Mark! School felt so dead without you here," he gushed.

I chuckled slightly. "Yeah, well, don't miss me too much sometimes."

"Hm," he said confused, "now why shouldn't I miss you?"

I sighed and didn't look at him. "Because there is going to be times when we can't be together."

He began to protest. "Now wait just a second there. We're always going to be together." He went silent before he continued with, "Unless that's what you wanted..."

I gave him the best loving look I could pull and messed with his hair. "Just know that everything I do for you is for your own good..."

He didn't look happy with my choice of words but he didn't ask for further explanation. Instead he asked, "Mark, why did you call me cute that one time?"

I scratched my neck nervously and laughed. I almost forgot about that. "Well I did promise to tell you huh?"

He nodded and looked at me waiting for me to tell him. "So go on."

"Well, honestly, you're the only person in the world I can find that cute because you've always been by my side. You're the only person I have ever been comfortable with and..." I stopped unable to go on.

"And what Mark?"

I sighed. "And the only person I will ever call my best friend."

He laughed slightly. "You could've told me that before. I already know that I mean the absolute world to you."

I forced a smile. "You're right."

In reality, what I was going to say was that it scared me. Everything that was going on between us scared me. It scared ever since he took a seat next to me and I was curious to know who he was. I was scared to know that he was the only person in my life who was kind to me and didn't expect something back in return. He accepted me for who I am and looked up to me. Everything about him scared me and I just couldn't fight it anymore.

I was scared to be in love with my best friend.

By the end of the day, I was a mess. I had built the courage to tell Jack what needed to be said but I didn't know how I was going to handle his reaction. I was hoping that he would try to understand.

I decided to tell him as we waited for the bus. "Jack, I really need to talk to you..."

He looked at me curiously. "What is it?"

"Remember back in lunch when I said everything I do for you is for your own good?"

He nodded and asked, "Why?"

Then I did it.

"Jack we can't be friends anymore."

He was taken back. "You're just messing with me, aren't you? Because if you are-"

I cut him off and said, "I'm not kidding. I can't be friends with you anymore."

He started getting upset. "Why are you doing this? Tell me why!"

I didn't look at him. "Because I'm tired Jack. I'm tired of everything that's happening between us."

Then he started to yell. "This was your plan all along huh? Let me get close to you and once you found no need for me, you just tell me you don't want my friendship anymore!"

People started to look over and us. "Jack stop it. This is for your own good."

"My own good? My own good?! You know how much you mean to me and you think this is going to help me?!"

"Jack you don't know how I've been feeling lately..." I said quietly enough for him to hear me.

He started to cry and it pained my heart. "And you don't know how I've been feeling Mark but now it doesn't matter." I tried to grab his hand to calm him down but he moved away. "No, don't you dare touch me!"

I felt myself ready to cry but I fought it off. "Jack...I'm so sorry."

He shook his head as he kept crying. "And to think, I was actually going to tell you everything. If this is what you want Mark then fine...Goodbye."

I pleaded one last time. "Jack, I really am sorry."

He wiped the tears away and before he walked away, he said, "You let this happen."

I felt my heart hurt as I watched him walk away from me, and I instantly regretted everything. I held myself together as I got on the bus and went home. But once I got there, I broke down. I knew after that I couldn't take anything back because it would just be like I was toying with his feelings and it seemed like he hated me now anyway. All I could really hope for now is that he'll be okay and try to move on from it all.


A/N: So sorry this is extremely late! I had so much to do yesterday and today! I also published this story on quotev bc I wanted to see what a difference it makes! I'm getting positive feed from there too so I will continue to write this to the very end. And I want to let you know...We may be heading to the last few chapters!

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