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Felix and I got up extra early for school so we could try to beat Mark there and I kept fussing about not wanting to go but Felix refused to let me fall into my own sadness. My nerves were building up as we got closer to the school. I've never been so afraid to see Mark since I met him but he was the scariest thing to me at the moment. I was hoping that he wouldn't come at all but my hopes were broken when I saw him leaning against the wall towards the back entrance.

I tried tugging at Felix's arm for us to go to the front entrance but he refused and continued to go towards the back. I stayed as close to Felix as we walked and I looked up to see Mark staring right at me. I blushed and turned away. I really wanted to go over there and give him a tight hug and tell him not to replace me but I stood still as I watched him come over to me.

Mark looked over my face before he tried to mess up my hair. I moved away so he couldn't and he looked upset. "Jack, we need to talk," he said.

I felt myself ready to cry. "W-well I can't right now. We have to go to school."

He had a pained look on his face. "Please Jack. This is really important."

I looked at Felix who was still witnessing everything. "I'll leave you two alone," he said and walked away.

Mark and I looked back at each other and he asked again. "Jack, please, we have to talk right now."

I no longer could look at the pained face he had so I agreed. "Fine. We can talk."

He grabbed my hand and he gently dragged me to the stop bus. He kept my hand in his and I didn't try to take mine back. "Where are we going?"

He looked straight ahead as if he was concentrating on something. "We are heading to my old elementary school."

"Okay," I said as I looked down at my shoes.

My eyes went to how are hands were still in each other's grasp. I liked the feeling of his hand in mine and how they seemed to fit so perfectly with each other. I blushed as I kept thinking about it.

He seemed to have noticed because he asked, "You don't mind me holding your hand, do you?"

I shook my head. "No. It's okay."

Our hands stayed that way even when we took the bus. I was wondering why he was taking me to his old elementary school and honestly I was wondering why he was still holding my hand. Not that I really minded it but it was just so weird of him to start acting this way. I was also not going to bring up on what happened yesterday unless he did. I waited for that moment to happen.

When we reached the school, we went over to some benches and took a seat. Some kids were still entering the school but no one seemed to pay us any attention. We sat in silence for a while before he asked, "Why did you run away yesterday?"

I tried to pull my hand away from his so I could play with my fingers because I was getting nervous but he refused to let me go. I had no other choice but to answer. "I don't know, I was just really upset yesterday."

He looked at me seriously. "Why though Jack?"

I sighed and looked down at our hands. "You weren't messaging me at all Mark and I kept over thinking everything up to the point where I was making myself get nervous. Then..." I stopped unable to explain the rest.

"Then what?" he asked.

I couldn't hold the subject back anymore. "Was she really your best friend back in elementary school?"

He sighed and gripped my hand tighter. "I totally forgot about her once I graduated and went to high school. But yes she was the only person who was by my side during hard times in my life. I appreciated her so much."

" you like her?" I asked as my legs started to shake slightly.

He shrugged. "Sure she's pretty and everything but I don't find myself very attracted to her in that manner."

"Oh..." I said and looked away from him. " wouldn't replace me with her...would you?"

He looked down at me surprised. "Jack of course not! You've been the greatest friend that I could've asked for and I wouldn't trade you for the world. I've never had this connection with anyone and I might just-"

I stopped him and asked, "You might just what Mark?"

He smiled slightly. "Forget I was even saying that. Just know that I'm never going to leave your side. Okay?"

I decided to forget it for the time being because I was glad he wouldn't replace me. "Okay, and I'm sorry for running off. I was just so worried about you and thought you didn't want to be my friend anymore..."

He messed up my hair with his free hand. "Don't ever think that my little Jackaboy. I could never live without you."

He kept his hand on my head for a while before he moved it to my cheek. We stared into each other's eyes and he started to lean in towards me. I felt my heart beat fast and my hands shake slightly. Our faces were inches away. It felt like time was going slowly.

Right when I thought our lips were going to touch, he kissed my forehead. I stared at him and he laughed slightly. "Sometimes you're like a little kid that I must protect."

I blushed deeply and rubbed the spot he kissed. "Am not!"

He laughed and pulled me into a quick hug. "You wanna head back to school or my place?" he asked.

"Let's just go to your place. We'll tell your mom I wasn't feeling well."

We went walking to his house with our hands still together. Even though we didn't really kiss, I was happy that he was showing me how he felt. It may not be a clear picture if he likes me in that manner of being more than friends but it was a start. Now all I had to do was express my feelings for him.

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