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It didn't take long for the ambulance to come for Mark and I refused for them to take him alone so they took me with him. I watched as they hooked him to some machines and did their best to keep him breathing. I was worried to know what was going wrong with him and if it was serious or not. As much as I wanted to know what it was, I wanted Mark to be okay soon.

When we reached the hospital they wheeled Mark away and I had to wait in the waiting room but one of the nurses came and wiped away some dry blood off me. "What's your name?" she asked.

"Jack," I said quietly.

She went over to the desk and grabbed a bandage for the cut that I somehow got by my eyebrow. "So what happened to you and your friend there?"

I didn't look at her. "We kind of got into a fight in school."

She shook her head. "Kids these days. Take a seat."

I smiled to myself as she said that and took a seat. It was almost like the same thing the teacher said when I met Mark. I was thankful for him because thanks to him he was the reason why people didn't bully me and call me Sean. I sighed and buried my face in my hands. Mark is the only person there for me...

I needed to calm down or I would be the next one going into a hospital room.

~Time Passes~

After three hours, the doctor finally came over to me. "Are you Jack?"

I stood up and nodded. "How's Mark?"

"It's nothing too serious. Mark seemed to have over worked himself in that fight and he fainted. He should be fine. He woke for a while but went back to sleep right after."

"Can I go in to see him right now?" I asked hopefully.

The doctor smiled slightly. "Go right ahead. He's in room B-15."

I quickly ran to his room and went in. He was lying in the bed, seeming so peaceful. I walked over to his side and looked over his face. He had a few bandages on and a black eye. Tears formed as I looked at him and few tears fall onto his face. When I brushed them away, I kept my hand on his face and caressed his cheek.

As I had my hand on his cheek, his eyes slowly opened. His voice was weak when he spoke. "W-Who's there?"

I took my hand away and smiled. "Mark it's me Jack."

He gave me a confused look. "I don't know a Jack. Who are you?"

My nerves began to build up. "You really don't know me?"

He shook his head. "You look familiar but I'm not really sure."

I gave him a hard look and played with my fingers still not sure if he was playing around or not. "Mark you do know who I am." I said more forceful.

He kept a straight face. "Sorry I don't."

The thought of him having amnesia killed me inside that tears started to fall quickly. "You...you really don't know."

Mark grabbed my hand and brought me down to him. "I'm so sorry Jack. I was kidding. I know who you are. You're my best friend since the first day of high school."

I pushed myself off him and wiped my tears away. "I'm going to kill you Mark. You scared me so bad."

He kept my hand in his. "Even if I got amnesia, I would never be able to forget you."

I tried to laugh it off. "You're lucky I can forgive you."

He squeezed my hand and let it go as he sighed. "I'm really sorry. I didn't think you were going to cry and I don't like to see you cry so I had to stop the joke."

I sniffled slightly. "How are you feeling?"

He groaned and closed his eyes. "Honestly gotta killer headache but," he opened his eyes and looked at me, "When I see you I know I'll be okay."

I went silent as he said that and stared into his eyes. Then out of nowhere I had the courage to do it. "Mark there is something I want to tell you..."

He looked curious. "Yes Jack?"

I bent down so that we were face to face and he laid on his side to look at me more clearly. I felt my nerves off the charts but when I looked into his dark brown eyes, everything seemed to disappear. I put my hand on his cheek and he closed his eyes. It kind of surprised me that he did but I still leaned in towards his lips. I brushed our lips gently together to make sure everything was okay.

I pulled back and his eyes were still closed but as I went for a real kiss, the door opened and a nurse came in. Mark eyes opened quickly and he pushed my face away and I removed his hand away as I got up. Both of our faces were red from blushing.

The nurse looked at me. "Mark's mother is here and wants to know if she can come in."

I cleared my throat. "Just give me a minute here. I'll be leaving soon."

She nodded. "I'll let her know."

Before she left I asked, "Also how long will Mark be here?"

She thought for what felt like a minute. "He might stay for few days because he needs to watch his stress level and we need to monitor his health. But I'm only assuming. I'll ask the doctor."

I nodded. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." And she leaves us alone.

I looked at Mark who was still silent and asked, "Do you want me to see you again tomorrow if you're still here?"

He looked at me unreadable. "Yeah, I want you to."

I started walking towards the door. "I'll see you tomorrow then Mark."

"Jack, what did you want to tell me?" he asked making me stop.

I didn't look at him. "It's not important right now Markimoo. I'll see you tomorrow."

He didn't push it forward. "I'll see you tomorrow Jackaboy."

And I left.

With the guilt of not kissing him just once.


A/n: Please do not kill me! XD i really don't want to end this book so soon. So I'm going to keep the plot going. If there's any mistakes let me know :)
Thanks so much for the reads, comments, and votes. ♡

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