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I was so tired the next day that I was sleeping in a few of my classes. Felix and I worked all night to finish the project he had; however, when we were done, I had my own homework to complete. As much of a bad kid I was for getting a bunch of detentions, I did my best to keep my grades up. But I was regretting not at least taking a nap.

It was painful not to have Mark with me during lunch that I was staring out the window during most of it. I wish he was here to at least protect me if I wanted to sleep but he just had to get caught up in another fight. I'm thankful for the fact that the principal decided to gives us a break from being suspended.

I was out the school right when the final bell rang and I headed over to the bus stop. But on my way there, someone stopped me in my tracks.


"What are you doing here?" I asked a bit rude due to the fact I was sleep deprived.

She still kept the smile on her face and answered, "I don't have work today and wondered if you could take me to Mark. I need to talk to him."

I nodded. "Well okay, I was going to go over there anyway."

She continued to smile. She was really pretty, I would understand why Mark would like her. "Thanks for letting me tag along."

I rubbed my eyes and said rudely, "Yeah. It's cool."

We walked over to the bus stop and waited together. It was pretty awkward for me to be around her because I had no idea how to react and who she was. However it seemed that since she was close with Mark that she was trying to get close with me. I didn't mind much of the idea but I had no idea what she thought of Mark and if she had any deeper feelings for him. I didn't know their past.

The ride there she decided to ask me some questions. "So, how long have you known Mark?"

"Since the first day of high school. We had a lot of classes together," I answered.

She nodded. "That's why you two are so close. He tells me a lot about you."

"Oh...Like what?"

She laughed slightly. "Things like you two get into a lot of trouble together but he still wants to protect you through all of it."

I smiled. "Yeah. He really does protect me a lot. He means so much to me because of that."

She looked at me. "I'm really thankful for the fact that he has you for a friend." All of a sudden her tone got serious, "But can I ask you something?"

I looked at her. "What is it?"

"Do you know if he has a girlfriend?"

I turned away and stayed quiet for a while. Why would she want to know that? Was she going to ask him out or something? But I didn't dare lie. "No...not that I know of."

"Okay. I was only curious about it."

I played with my fingers. I just had to ask her. "Why did you want to know?"

She looked at me slightly. "He hasn't told you?"

My leg bounced as my nerves built up. "T-Told me w-what?"

She sighed. "I really can't say then. It really needs to come from him."

I didn't say anything afterwards. It felt so true to me then. She was going to ask him out. Even though he said that he didn't like her in that type of manner, his mind could have changed since then and he was going to say yes. My body started to get weak and my thoughts went running everywhere but I did my best to fight it as we made our way to the hospital.

I walked in on Mark watching TV, talking to the remote like a crazy person. "Goddamn you stupid remote, you don't work for shit." He then noticed me and laughed awkwardly. "Oh, hi Jack."

It made me smile to finally see him. "Hey Mark. I brought someone with me."

He continued to change the channels and he asked, "Who is it? It better not be Felix."

I laughed and moved away from the door so Holly could step in. "No. Holly came with me."

That caught his attention quickly and he looked at her immediately. "You actually came."

She nodded and took a seat on the couch after I did. "I told you I was going to."

Mark looked at me. "I hope she didn't cause you any trouble."

I laughed slightly and faked a smile. "No, no trouble at all."

She clapped her hands slightly. "Well now that we are all here, maybe we can finally tell Jack what's going on, right Mark?"

Mark got out of the bed and went over to Holly. "Can I speak to you outside for a second?" She nodded, got up, and then headed towards the door.

Mark smiled slightly at me. "We'll be right back."

I sighed loudly once they left. I started getting a huge headache and my body started to grow weak. I knew I needed to find some food or take a nap soon. So I went over to the hospital bed, took one of Mark's pillows and laid down on the couch. The pillow still had Mark's scent on it. After a while my eyelids felt heavy and I drifted to sleep.


A/n: This is the last chapter I'm going to update in the morning because I'm going to start working more on my kik // Septiplier story. But thanks to septiplier_is_away , I'm going to keep updating it just not as quick or anything.
I'm not going to stop this story to be clear.
So thanks to anyone who kept reading and voting until now. ♡

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