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I was bored after Jack left yesterday that I wasn't in the mood do anything but be with him. The thing that pained me the most was that I couldn't get the feel of his lips out of my head. Even if it was just a little brush, it felt like it lasted forever. Afterwards nothing felt the same anymore and I didn't really know how to feel. I never thought about being gay and sure not about being with Jack. Sure I always felt like I need to protect him and give him everything he needs because he's the only person I really need...

Wait, could that be love?

No. He's only my best friend. That's how it's always been and I'm not going to jeopardize that. If I have to bury my feelings for him and pretend like nothing happened then I will. And I hope he does the same.

Later in the day, as he promised, Jack came over to visit me. It seemed he came right after school because he still had his book bag. When he walked through the door and saw me, his faced turned deep red. I guess yesterday wouldn't be forgotten.

He sat on the couch that they had there for visitors. "How are you feeling today?" he asked.

I sighed. "I'm fine honestly. And I want to go home. But the stupid doctor said to keep me here for another day."

Jack dug into his book bag looking for something. "We both have a ton shit of homework to do now by the way."

I groaned. "No homework!"

He laughed as he kept searching. "You don't have to do it but I will."

"What are you looking for Jack?" I asked curiously.

He didn't look at me but I could see that he got upset. "Holly told me you said for her to find me so I could give you something from her...You told her you was here huh?"

I shrugged. "I really needed someone to talk to so I called her. What did she give you?"

He dumped everything out of his book bag to pull out a little piece of paper. He came over to me and placed it before me. "A note. She said she would come give it to you herself but she had to work soon and late."

He sat back and started putting everything back into his book bag while I looked at the note. I already knew what it was. She wanted to talk more about the way I was feeling for Jack. We couldn't really talk over the phone since she was busy but she said she would contact me in another way.

I opened the note and it read:


I know we didn't talk much yesterday and I really didn't want to say this on a text so I wrote it. So here goes.

I might not know Jack as much as you but it is clear he likes you if he tried to kiss you, he's just waiting for you to strike back with something, so stop being shy around him. Just let him know how you feel before things get worse.

If you want to talk more, I'm always jogging around by the elementary school on the weekends.


I closed the note and looked at Jack who was looking at me. We held each other's gaze before he turned away and blushed. I smiled at the sight of it. Maybe she was right, all I needed to do was let go and realize that the little green boy might be the one for me. Yet with that in my mind, I still found myself fighting it. What if Jack didn't like me and that kiss was just because of the moment of yesterday? He could be regretting it...

I groaned loudly making Jack look up in concern. "You okay?"

I folded the note and threw it to the side. "I just have a lot to think about Jack."

He played with his fingers and looked away from me. "Is there anything that I can do for you?"

Without really thinking I moved over on the hospital bed and made room for him. "Come lay down with me."

He looked at me shocked. "W-Why?"

"Just come here Sean."

He didn't say anything more and he came over to me. It was a bit uncomfortable for the both of us in the beginning but then I grabbed his hand and held it. He was then comfortable and asked, "Mark what is this for?"

I shrugged. "Don't really know Jack but I just really need you here more than anything." I turned my head toward him and saw his ocean blue eyes start to tear up. He was gripping my hand so tight. "Jack, tell me what's wrong?"

He brushed a tear that fell. "M-Mark...Why do you get so happy when you see me? Why did you call me cute that one time? How come you cause so much-"

He was cut off by his phone ringing, making us both jump. He got off the bed and reached into his book bag as he wiped his eyes.

"Who is it?" I asked a bit annoyed.

"Felix. I'm going to answer." He goes into the bathroom and takes the call. Him being unaware, I was listening to the whole conversation. "What do you want? I'm with Mark. Do you need me right now?" After a while of silence he groaned. "Fine. I'm on my way."

He came out and grabbed his book bag. "Where you going?" I asked.

"Felix said he needs help with a certain project tomorrow and no one was answering." He went to the door. "You don't mind me leaving, do you?"

"It's fine," I lied. "Tomorrow is my final day here, will you at least spend it with me?"

He smiled and nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye-bye." I smiled.

Once he was long gone, I groaned loudly into one of the pillows. Every time I'm close to just getting a chance with some real alone time with him, someone has to ruin it. I swear if I have to kidnap him, I will.


A/n: I'm having a hard time continuing this. I really don't want to end it yet and I don't want to end it with Jack just saying that he likes Mark and they all of a sudden get together. So if you guys got suggestions let me know! Thanks!

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