Parties - Chapter Thirteen

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AN: Okay, I know I said there were only three chapters left including this one. Well, I wrote those three chapters. And it is not done! It's all stretching out a bit more than I expected and the boys have a few more things they'd like to do. So I'm not sure the exact length of the story anymore... I have to say, it's kind of nice though. It feels so satisfying to get to the issues and see that the boys are growing so much... I hope that you like this chapter and please vote/comment/follow if you do! <3


Travis ended up on Jared's doorstep by midnight.

He could hear the TV playing from the open living room window and see the flashes of light through the curtains. It was a Friday so it could be any of them really, but Jared's bedroom light was off and Travis just knew--even though Jared hadn't replied to any of his text messages or answered any of his calls--that Jared was up. Most likely he was sitting in the living room, pretending the TV was drowning out the sound of his phone.

The thought made Travis snort.

"Lame," he muttered to no one in particular.

He swayed a little on the spot and braced his hand on the door, waiting for the spinning to stop. Finally steady, Travis knocked.

There was a commotion at once.

The volume on the TV was lowered and then someone said something in a panicked voice and the sound went way back up. Then suddenly the TV was shut off, plunging area into darkness. People were whispering inside.

After a minute of this, Travis leaned toward the window with a sigh.

"I can hear you guys whispering in there," he called.

There was a momentary silence and then the sound of someone standing up and walking toward the door.

Henry was revealed in the doorway, a brow raised at Travis in annoyance.

"Travis, what a surprise," he said.

"Hey, I just wanted to talk to Jared for a minute," Travis said.

"Sorry," Henry said. "He's asleep."

Travis rolled his eyes.

"Yeah right."

When Henry didn't say anymore, he let out another sigh.

"Fine, I'll go wake him up," he said, taking a step forward.

Henry stepped in his way.

"You can't. He's not home..."

Travis just stared at him and Henry let out a quiet groan.

"Look," he said. "He doesn't want to talk to you."

"Oh for fuck's sake."

Travis pushed passed Henry, who didn't put up much of a fight and marched over to the living room.

Jared and Margaret were sat there. Jared looked dumbfounded, Margaret amused and the whole scene did nothing but irritate Travis even more.

"Are you for real?" Travis demanded, crossing his arms.

Jared finally stood up, mirroring Travis' stubborn pose.

"You need to learn how to take a hint," he said.

"I just want to talk to you." 

"Well I don't want to talk to you," Jared snapped back.

Travis bit his lip. He glanced at Margaret who was openly watching the scene and then over at Henry who was eyeing them both warily.

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