Chapter Twenty-three

Start from the beginning

She quickly turned away and tried to focus on Almier, but she couldn’t help wondering what that was all about. Or rather, she knew, she just didn’t feel like facing the conscience angel tonight. Well, ignorance is bliss.

Just then, Almier reached out and put one hand around her waist, staring right into her eyes, his face bearing an expression of such tenderness and – could you call it love? – that Alexia felt as though she was sucked back into her childish fantasies. So this is how Cinderella felt at the ball. This is the twist in the story when the heroine falls in love, when Alexia Lee gives up all her hopes and dreams to run off with the boy at the dance. They continued to move in a synchronized rhythm, not saying anything, and Alexia wondered if this was the part where she was supposed to learn how silence could fill the gaps words left, because she certainly wasn’t getting her share of that part of the fairytale.

“So, are you excited to go to France with soon?” Alexia asked, breaking the silence.

Almier grinned, however, this time it was one of affection. “Of course, Alexia. I am excited to go anywhere with you.”

“God, Almier that is so cheesy! Is this how you pick up French girls?”

Almier winked and his eyes twinkled. “This is how I try to pick up Alexia Lee.”

Alexia laughed and playfully slapped him. “Nice try buddy, but it’s not going to work for you!”

Almier gave his best impression of a puppy dog face. “It doesn’t need too. I managed to snag a trip to the dance with her using other methods,” he joked.

Alexia didn’t know how to reply; he had hit the nail right on the head. So she didn’t and the conversation abruptly ended. Argh, I must build rapport with Almier! I need to get closer to him, after all he is the logical choice! Suddenly, Alexia found herself in self-realization. Choice? Why am I still subconsciously considering? I can’t just possibly throw away all my methodical thinking that I have developed over the years!She felt the grip around her waist tighten and glanced up at Almier, who hadn’t lost the starry-eyed, lovesick look. He is the right, and only choice. The only person who is worthy of me.

The slow song came to an end and they broke out of their position with a slight reluctance that Alexia wished was more vehement. “I really enjoyed that,” Almier said genuinely, however, it came out more polite than romantic.

“Me too,” was all Alexia could say, and she wondered why she didn’t feel as genuine as she should have.

“I really can’t wait for France!”

“Me too, me too.”

Alexia looked into Almier’s eyes, but was surprised to be looking at a shade of brown. Why am I surprised? Why is everything tonight not going the way I want it too?! I am Alexia Lee and everything follows a strict plan, I cannot get side-tracked!  Alexia sighed. This is for my good and it will greatly benefit me. Besides, Almier is good looking, smart, and embodies the qualities I look for in a suitable partner. And I like him, I really do.

After a few more dances and more awkward conversations, and mental battles with denial in her head, the event drew to a close. “‘Till we meet again, my princess,” Almier joked, and lightly kissed her hand. Alexia could only force a smile as she said her goodbyes and thanked him for the night. Well that didn’t go as planned. Why can’t I enjoy a romantic night? Maybe I really am unable to feel romance. You can’t have it all in life. But still, why can’t I get this right? I need Almier and not anyone else! I have weighed the pros and cons and he is the definite choice. But why does it feel so wrong?

Footsteps approached and Alexia looked up, and found herself finally looking into the correct shade of blue that she was used to seeing.

“So how was the dance?” Caden asked nonchalantly.  

“I thoroughly enjoyed it, actually. Almier was so charming today,” Alexia managed to force out.

Caden’s smile looked as forced as hers had been, and this time he didn’t even try to disguise it. “I’m just glad that you are happy.”

Tension filled silence followed. Alexia mind flooded with a thousand questions and answers she didn’t want to face up to. Once again, guilt flooded her gut and her mind raced to try and rationalize the situation. She felt Caden’s gaze bore into her, like a stabbing reminder of the horrible person she had become and she couldn’t hold it in any longer. “‘Why are you still so thoughtful after I have rejected you?” she burst out, surprising herself and Caden. “Why can’t you go back to the jerk you have always been? Why are you making things so confusing and -”

The words died on her mouth when she felt the soft touch of his lips on her cheek. At once, every thought she once had faded and every worry evaporated into thin air. She felt her whole body tingle and shivers fill every inch of her. Oh, my God. He’s kissing me. He is kissing me! It wasn’t on her mouth, but it was a kiss nonetheless, and Alexia felt her surroundings morph back into the castle in the fairy tale. However, instead of being woken up by love’s first kiss, this princess fell even deeper into her slumber.

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