Chapter 18:

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Jaxx and Zek walked up to Gavin as they slowly removed their tops. Even thought they where both brothers their clothing and way of being was very different.

While Zek unbutton his neatly white tan, Jaxx took off his ripped black top. The boys pants where different too. Zek wore light color jeans with boots while Jaxx wore beaten up carpenters with messy convers. Yet no matter what they where wearing it didn't stop Gavin from pulling at them.

Hearing Gavin's plea for a taste before he decided made both brothers look at each others eyes. Like they where mirror imagines they both unzipped their jeans to expose massive erections, both pulsing and wanting Gavin's body.

Gavin used one hand each to wrap around their already hard members. "Your both so hard already..." He opened his mouth and licked his lips, "come closer" He urged since to eat them up he needed them to be closer. He let his tongue lick both the tips that were in front of his mouth, sliding it around them to get a little taste as his hands stroked slowly. He knew he couldn't take both in his mouth at the same time so he first took Zek's and stuffed it into his mouth. His tongue wildly but skillfully licking him up and taking him down his throat. His hazel eyes looked up at the other male as his own body was becoming hotter and once again letting off that pheromone that drove men crazy. He pulled off the boy's cock and went to his other lover and treating him the same. Tasting him until he was satisfied. With completely lust filled eyes he scoot back on the bed and spread his legs, his hands sliding down his thighs. "You both taste so good..." He felt like he was possessed by a horny demon though he technically was about to be entered by two horny demons. "Do you want to watch me spread myself? His hands on his thighs spread his legs a bit wider, one held up his junk while the other went to his opening and spread it apart. He was still pretty much spread from fucking Jaxx just last night so he didn't need much but he had the urge to put on a shower to tantalize these two. He felt like they deserved a treat after all they had been through.

Jaxx and Zek looked at their lover as he seemed so extreamly aroused at the site of their manhoods. Yet he was not the only one. Both Zek and Jaxx where burning with desire.

As Jaxx felt his lovers you he over his member he let out a small grunt. He wonder if he was so aroused cause his demon side was hungry or perhaps it was just cause it was Gavin.

As Gavin switched and started to lick Zek's penis, Jaxx could not help himself but to grab his member and start stroking himself. He no longer cared for shame as he stood there next to his half brother.

Zek on the other hand was feeling heavenly bliss as Gavin sucked him.

Once Gavin parted his lips away from his member the blond male gripped his staff and started to masturbate as well.

" sure I would not mind a show " Zek said licking his lips as his fangs started to show. Jaxx chuckled at nod "yeah that would be an interesting show indeed !" He added.
Gavin smiled as the boys agreed to the little show, his eyes scrolled over his lover's bodies with so much lust. He watched how the boys started to jerk themselves off. His fingers went to his mouth and he licked them until they were  lubricated. With the newly salivated fingers he pushed two into his body, his half lidded eyes watched the boys in front of him, he wasn't able to control himself anymore. His hand on his member started to stroke as he thrust the two fingers into his anus, spreading the cavity by spreading his fingers apart.

"Ah...Jaxx...Zek..." He moaned their names out in a hot whisper. "I want your pick." He didn't really care which cock he got first as long as it was only Jaxx and Zek.

For both Zek and Jaxx Gavin was a most wanted temptation. They wanted nothing more that to have their way with them.

Gavin's little show was seductive tempting and most of all enjoyable to the two brothers.
Yet when Gavin asked them to chose both males looked at eachother eyes, as they seemed to tell something to eachother without saying a word.

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