Chapter 15: Running from the past

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Gavin was dazed off as he was thinking about how Jaxx was doing and without realizing he had drawn something. He looked down and frowned deeply as he saw the drawing was of Zek. He felt his heart clench as he looked at it, he couldn't deny he still loved him. That year was amazing with him and even though he loves Jaxx too, he felt like his heart was split in two. He was staring at his art when he felt his phone go off. He looked at his desk and felt his heart drop to his stomach. Zek? Why is Zek here too? Why did he come with their father. He but his lip, not really wanting to go out of fear of what was going to happen.
He didn't text him back and instead took a slow bus ride home. He walked a couple blocks and it was already night. He stood at the door with his body unable to open the door. The two men he loved more than life was standing in a room together. He wondered if they were dead? If they killed each other. It worried the fuck out of him and motivated him to open the door. He set down his bag to the side of the door and looked into the apartment. "I'm home..." He mumbled.

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