Chapter 8: So much has happened...

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Jaxx watched Gavin's every movement as he ate. It felt strange having someone in his house like this that was not gone before the sun was up. It felt nice.
Seeing Gavin pushing his plate aside made Jaxx chuckle " ever the small appetite " he joked as he took the rest of Gavin's plate and finish up what he left like he always did " you know me I live to eat your left overs " he joked " plus your food is very good, first actual home made food I eaten in weeks " he teased
As he finished what ever was left in the plate, Jaxx listen as Gavin had begun to speak " wow japan...of all places that one is really far away" he said locking his eyes with Gavin's as he pushed aside the empty plate " that kind of explains why I could not find you anywhere... I looked for you for weeks, until I ran out of leads of where you could have gone..." He added sounding a bit sad " but hey I am sure she had a more than valid reason to do so... Don't worry about it " he said messing up Gavin's hair.
Jaxx hated making a gloom atmosphere, and always tried to keep the mood casual and happy  " so now you like Japanese food?" He asked a bit curious " so next time I go shopping I buy some for you, I mean this is your house too..."he added " so how was japan? Met any cool manga writers or something ?" He said sounding like a little kid.
Gavin shook his head as he fixed his hair, "no. Not really. I kept to myself really...I hated everyone including my mother. She took me away from you...but I mostly hated my father. I noticed he moved too... Must be trying to make a new life for himself." He shrugged a little and stood up to walk to the couch. "Aren't you going to ask why we left? What forced my mother to pick up and leave without a word?" He sighed and sat down. "My father had been beating me... That you knew but I didn't want to tell you he had also been raping me." He looked away, "that dad told me he had found out about us. He... He called me a slut and had his work buddies fuck me." His eyes began to well up with tears. "When they were done mom bathed me and took me away. I was passed out in the car and couldn't protest... She even left our phones so he couldn't track us." He looked back to Jaxx. "And that is why we moved to Japan"
Jaxx laught a bit . He loved seeing how the red haired reacted every time his hair was messed up. " just asking silly, I mean you always dreamed of going to japan sooo I thought I would be a good icebreaker" he added.
Jaxx keep this head down on the table as he looked up at Gavin. "I was about to ask but u guess you best me again..." He chuckled.
Yet the expression on Jaxx face shifted to a darker one as he heard what Gavin was saying. Instead of staying peacefully laying on the table like he was before now he was sitting straight as he looked really serious " you mean to tell me that son of a bitch did something like that to you " he said balling up his fists as he felt so much hate towards Gavin's dad inside of him that it took all he had to keep him from punching the table. Yet Jaxx was not mad at Gavin, more like mad at himself from not being able to protect him.
"If I ever find that son of a bitch again I'll stuck my dick up his ass to see how much he likes taking something he has not agreed to " he added as his voice sounded a bit different that it usually.
Yet as Jaxx looked up and saw the tears forming in the corner of Gavin's eyes tearing up. He slowly moved his hand forward and cleaned his tears.Even tought Jaxx was as angry as ever, he   spoke calmly, yet his tone seemed off " it's ok Gavin it's all in the past now ".  Jaxx let out a sight "why didn't you tell me before he was doing that ? "
He let his words trail off as he heard the rest of the story. Jaxx stayed quiet as his hands seemed to be shaking a bit out of anger and he his his features under his messy navy bangs.
"Gavin ...I am sorry " he murmured feeling like an asshole for not being there for him when he needed him the most.  He never imagined something like this was the reason behind why Gavin left. Yet in Gavin's moms place Jaxx would have done the same.
" I tought you left cause your parents got a better job opportunity somewhere, yet I could not understand why I could not reach you. I waited for days infront of your house for any sings of anything, but when I saw they out up the house for sale, I kind of lost it. I when looking for you, asking around to see if someone had
Seen you but it was like you disappeared... The only prof I had that I had met you where the memories and our pictures " he said placing his bearly working phone on the table. As the background he still had that last pic he and Gavin took together " I had hope I would find you somewhere, so I didn't want to give up...yet bit having hurt. Since then all my additions skyrocket since I was under so much stress.... I " Jaxx looked down " I broke down"
Gavin wasn't surprised by his anger, he knew exactly that's what would happen. He looked up as his cheek was wiped of a tear. "...I was embarrassed I guess...I didn't want you to worry so much and get angry like this. I'm fine now... And just to let you know when we were together he didn't touch me...I was always at your place which never gave him the chance."
Gavin smiled softly, "don't be sorry...I think it's my fault really that... something is wrong with me. I don't know what it is's something that makes men want me or something. I've been thinking about it a lot but I don't understand it." Gavin listened to Jaxx and how his life went down the drain when he left. "I'm sorry too...I wish I took you with me. " he took his loves hand "but we're here now... And I want to be here for you. I want to always be with you. Even if you've had other relationships...I don't care.  Your mine now. Okay?" He lift Jaxx's hand that he noticed were pretty wrecked and kissed his palm. "I need you to take better care of yourself though....I need you longer okay?"
Jaxx let out a sight "I still wish I could had done something more than just simply stand in the sidelines and let everything just spiral out of control" he said looking up meeting his eyes with Gavin's as he held his hand tighter " I want to make it up to you, give you a new start..." He added meaning every single one of his words.
Jaxx looked puzzled " come on Gavin don't be silly, if there was something wrong with you I would have lost my mind around you too, I mean yeah I am hard and such but that's cause your cute " he teased trying to bring a smile to Gavin's lips "either way if that was the case, I'll work harder to protect you , and look after you so nobody that you don't want gets to do things with you...well work it out together"
Jaxx shook his head at Gavin when he tried to appoligize " it's not your fault... I mean I had it comming to me" he said looking down " there's something inside me that drives me to act like that...guess it comes from being a bastard son of am asshole...being a looser must be part of the package" he added.
" could you believe the old bastard has been looking for me since I left moms place ? He keeps saying that he needs to teach me how to deal with what's happening to me, yet I never told him what was wrong ....guess the old cock lost his marbles finally  " he said laughing a bit.
He li sent to Gavin's every word  specially when it came to being together for ever " you know your the only one for me " he murmured  " I slept around, a lot, I mean I was all over the place worst than in school, like I craved sex as bad as I crave cigarets.." He added ashamed of who he had become but being unable to change his past " yet after all those affairs and fucks i never wanted to settle down...cause you where the only one in my mind...the only one I wanted was you " he said leaning forward and pressed his forehead against Gavin's looking directly into his eyes" I love you Gavin... "He said closing his eyes for a bit  " I don't expect you to forgive everything I done....but I'll try my best to be the man you want me to be " he said opening his eyes as they seem to shine differently for a moment and them when back to normal, right before he kissed Gavin's lips
Pulling their heads a bit apart he smiled " I'll try ... But I am a mess ...I for bruises everywhere and cuts .. Plus needle marks " he let his words trail off " I am in very bad shape " he chuckled " are you sure you still want me like This ?"

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