Chapter 16: Forgive. Forget

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In the dark room both Jaxx and Zek sat staring at the door. Jaxx turned on the lamp as he kept a hand to his neck with a wet towel Holding the blood from his neck.

He walked up to Gavin and smiled " welcome home " he added before kissing Gavin in the cheek.

In the dark side of the room Zek sat down with a sad look on his face, not saying a word.
Jaxx held Gavin's hand as he walked him to the couch and pushed him by the shoulders to sit down.

He let out a sight and looked over to Zek " so Gav, what you want to talk about first today ... Or you want to talk to him first . I could go outside " he said knowing they might have some catching up to do.

Gavin entered the room and kissed his lover back but his eyes were on Zek. He bit his lip then looked at Jaxx. Before answering him his eyes widened at the blood on the towel. "Are you okay?" He asked as his hand went to his towel, " don't need too. I don't have much to say..." He looked at the wound on his neck, it wasn't that bad. It was practically healed. "Ah...Jaxx. You've healed..." The blood was there but the wound was sealed. He wiped the blood away and looked at he face, "who did it? Your father?....Zek?" He felt his heart ache at saying his name and thinking that Zek would do that to Jaxx but what was he to think at this situation?

" well of you need me to give you both a minute let me know " he said taking a seat next to his boyfriend. Hearing him ask about the wound in his neck made Jaxx look thoughtful " my father seed to have been wanting to play vampire with me earlier today and well apparently It was open Jaxx season" he said feeling a bit down that his fathers hold on him was still so strong. Before he thought it was cause be was weak but now he knew it was because his father was not human, but a demon . Jaxx chuckled a bit as he tried to ear his head " I am not that easy to kill remember ? " he joked.

Zek's eyes where on his brother and ex lover the whole time but no words left his lips. He wanted to say so much but didn't knew how to beggin.

" so...." Jaxx said trying to break the heavy atmosphere around them " I'll let you guys start" he said eying Zek.

Zek nodded as he leaned forward a bit. " Gavin please listen and them you can batch at me all you want cause I know I deserve it ...." The blond said as he took a deep breath " I apologize for what happened, and for hurting you, at first I didn't understand the reason I was doing it, or why I could not remember doing any of the things that hurt you , yet today I realized my father had everything to do with what happen since he felt I disobeyed him, and felt the urge to punish me...just like he did to Jacob earlier today for going against his word"
Jaxx gave Zek a cold stare " the name is Jaxx bloody hell, next time you call me Jacob you'll regretted " he said as he leaned back in the sofa and wrapped his a around Gavin's shoulders.
Zek gave Jaxx a hate-filled stare but resign form saying anything further, as he lock his eyes with Gavin's giving him a sad gaze showing he meant every world he said before. " I don't want to leave things between us like that ....I owe you that much " he added

Gavin locked eyes with Zek as he spoke, his hazel eyes in a glare as he put on the grumpy face that Zek encountered the first time they talked but as he talked his face softened and he felt Jaxx put his arm around his shoulder. He felt how protective Jaxx was being and felt a little awkward. " really don't remember? You fucking had an orgy while I was with my mother. There was even a video....I didn't fucking click it but...the pictures were enough. You smiled at the camera." His eyes started to burn as all that pain started to come back to him. He stood up from the couch and crossed his arms. "You say he did all that? None of that was you?"

Zek looked down as the pictures and the video where mention. He had seen all the pictures yet failed to remember what had driven him to commit such actions. Yet he won't not be surprised of his father resorting to such a dirty trick. He liked being the man in charge on everything, so being defied really didn't play good in his eyes.

Zek held his hands together as he looked down "Gavin do you remember how I used to feed before I met you ? That I told you you where the only person I didn't compel to get you to like me ?" He said trying to explain " well a full demon can compel the human side with in us to do as he pleases... And he wanted me to learn my place..." He let his words trail off " I knew he could do it but I was not sure he would actually go so low until today ...he compelled both Jaxx and I I order to stop our arguing

Jaxx looked at Zek and asked sounding a bit surprised  " so that was the reason I could not shove my first down your troath" even thought Aziel had explain a about compelling he didn't mention it affected half demons the way it affected humans.

Gavin felt his heart clench hard in his chest. He shook his head, "I can't believe you..." The only reason now being he felt like an asshole. "If your not lying...then...then...I ran away from you because I was heart broken but your saying it's not even your fault...I could have talked to you about it." He bit his lip and looked down at the ground as his arms fell with defeat, "I still..." He lift his hands to cover his face, "still...but I love Jaxx....too" he mumbled his last word. His legs feeling weak as he realized he loved two men with all his heart and really couldn't deny it anymore.

Zek didn't know what to say to that. He didn't any to blame Gavin for something that was not his fault. He didn't knew what was going on, and probably in his place Zek would have done the same.

" Gavin is ok...this ain't nobody's fault " he added looking at Gavin and wishing he could hold him but being in Jaxx arms as he was he was sure the other male would punch him before he even got close. " I guess something's just have to happen... I just wish I could have gotten a hold of you sooner... Once your mom told me you had left I tought I had lost you for ever ...I would never guessed that the junkie brother of mine my dad kept talking about was your ex boyfriend..."

Jaxx eye twitched at the word ex , specially since in his book they never broke up, but bringing that up was just going to make things harder for Gavin so he let it slip. Jaxx moved his hand to caress Gavin's shoulder. The poor boy was going throught so much at the same time. Yet some part of Jaxx was happy this all happened cause it was the only way Gavin would had come back, which meant he kind of owed if to zek for doing something so horrible that would drag Gavin back to his arms.
Yet the dense air between them could be cut with a knife. It was suffocating.

Jaxx scratched the back of his head with his free arm " so I guess that means we are ... Both your boyfriends if neither of us broke up with you ...and it was all a huge misunderstanding " Jaxx said bitting his bottom lip. He didn't like the idea very much but he didn't want to pressure gavin to chose. After all the poor boy had more than enougth on his plate ready.
" yeah I guess your right " Zek said not sounding very please but kind of getting where Jaxx was Coming from.

Gavin's eyes widened at that notion, his eyes went to Jaxx then Zek and back to Jaxx. "What?" He didn't quite understand. "What are you two saying?" He wiped his eyes of salty tears.

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