Chapter 17:

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Jaxx let out a sight " well if you never wanted to leave me ...and well we never actually break up, means we where still together when you met this ...person " he said looking at Zek.
Zek continued off from there " and since we where together while you where away from him it means that you had two boyfriends " he said clinging his teeth together " and now that the reason why we broke up was a whole misunderstanding cause by my father ...our father " he said looking at Jaxx
" this is confusing so let's just keep it at that " Jaxx said blushing a bit " I mean as long as that's what you want " he said speaking to Gavin

Zek let out a sight " I guess that's the only way to be fair about this situation and act like rational human beings " he added.
"Rational? A three way relationship rational?" Gavin laughed, "you two are crazy" he looked at Zek then Jaxx, "you both are so stupid...but...I love you both. I really do. I hope that is okay? I just..." He looked at Jaxx, "I love you for your cheesiness, your ability to light up the room, the way you look at me....Zek" he looked at him, "I love how you make me want to be better, and hold me gently after tending to my rope burns." He felt his whole body warm up. "I want you both...but...if it's uncomfortable for you too...I wouldn't want that. I know how protective you both are."
Zek chuckled a bit. Jaxx rolled his eyes. The two boys loved Gavin too much to see him feeling guilty. Plus deep inside neither of them could take Gavin picking one and abandoning the other so this dessition was for the best. Atleast for now. For both Zek and Jaxx this was only temporary.

" I guess we are " said Jaxx smiling a bit.
Zek looked a little more relieved as for once thank his brothers way of thinking. Maybe this junkie was good for more than getting high.
Yet as Gavin spoke both Zek and Jaxx blushed.Gavin loved them both in different ways.but he was right, They where both very possessive and got jealous easily but they where willing to coexist to make Gavin smile.
Jaxx held Gavin close to his chest as he messed his hair up " don't worry about us we will be fine "

Zek for up from across the room and walk to where Jaxx was holding Gavin and sat on the other side of Gavin, as he patted his head.
Jaxx glare was throwing sparks as it met with Zek but they where trying their best not to kill each other in the spot.

Gavin hugged Jaxx back and closed his eyes for a second as he felt Zek touch him. He hadn't felt his touch in a couple weeks and his body missed him. He pulled from Jaxx a little but still in his arms and bit his lip. "I...want to kiss you both. So...nobody get mad." He looked at them with a bit of a glare and warning. He wrapped an arm around Jaxx and pulled him closer to press their lips together. He pulled away with a bit of a huff only because he ran out of breathe and his body was feeling hot. He licked his lips and looked at Zek. "Zek....I've missed you. Show me you still love me." He whispered and wrapped his arms around the other brothers neck and pulled him closer. Their lips pressed together and Gavin felt a familiar tingle that he really missed.
Jaxx and Zek blushed hearing ther lover wanted a kiss from them. They knew it would be hard to suggest at first but they needed to try.

Jaxx gave in to Gavin's kiss without hesitation, not caring if his brother was looking or even caring. Yet as their lips part Jaxx smirked looking at Zek. After all he got kissed first. Then as Gavin pulled away to kiss his Zek Jaxx kept his arms around Gavin's waste.

Zek was a bit shy at first but seeing his brothers non caring attitude made him not care as much if the other was watching. After all he was the one that brought up the fact that they where both Gavin's boyfriend.

Hearing the desire on Gavin's voice made Zek anxious. He missed this boys touch and warmth more than anything. He leaned forward as he placed his kiss on Gavin's lips and softly moved his lips. They kissed for a little bit before their lips part and Zek stared at Gavin with blushed cheeks " I miss you a lot too Gavin ".

Gavin smiled and ran his fingers through his blonde locks. " can I say this? " He looked at Zek then to Jaxx. "I'll be blunt. I'm really horny... For you both. There is two ways we can do this...If your both willing that is. One is at the same time. A threesum or rock paper scissors whose gonna fuck me first. Or we can wait... Get me comfortable." Though he rather liked idea one or doing both.

Zek let out a chuckle. He really liked it when Gavin was being blunt cause he was being honest and 10 times more adorable.
Jaxx and Zek looked at eachother. They knew it was going to be hard for any of them to just sit and see Gavin getting fucked while the other waited. Specially now when they where both horny and wanting having above all else, even if it meant putting up with eachothers company
Jaxx pressed his head against Gavin's shoulder " I guess we could share you "

Zek looked away as he blushed "yeah...I guess so as well "

Jaxx bit his lip as he looked at his brother  " but if you are thinking your going to stick yourself inside of me you have an other thing comming! " he said letting it very clear. Jaxx had never done a treasome with all guys before and he wondered it he would do good enought to  please his lover.

Zek could not help but to laught as his brother lack of knowladge.

" yet are you sure you can take it " Jaxx added blushing a but as he shifted his legs a bit so Gavin was sitting between them, so he would be a bit more comfortable " I don't want you getting hurt "

Gavin smiled at Jaxx and leaned forward or place a kiss on his lips, "but I want you to hurt me." He said in a low sensual tone. He stood up from the Couch and took both of his loves hands. "This is...our makeup sex." He said as his eyes looked at Zek, "I'm guessing we have to buy more toys since you didn't bring your collection huh." He smiled and lead them into the bedroom. "Oh...but one thing. I know it's really hard  for you two to feed on one person but...I think I'm as protective and jealous as you two. I can't have anyone else touching you." Though was this Gavin's double standard? But it's not like they didn't agree to it in the first place.

He went over to the bed and pulled off his shirt and threw it to the ground. "I have an hole each" he pointed at his mouth. "Then switch." He striped down naked in front of them both  giving then a bit of a strip tease before his underwear hit the ground. He crawled onto the bed on all fours.

Jaxx smirked as he say the way Gavin always seemed to convince him " well ok but I'll make sure it's more pleassure than pain what you feel " he said as he kisses Gavin's lips tenderly, as he got up from his lap.

Zek and Jaxx both got up when Gavin pulled them up. They didn't say a word but their eyes where already glistering with hunger.
Zek chuckled

Hearing about the toys. " yeah I can get some later today is you like and bring them over to play next time" he said seductively . Jaxx tried to keep up With the idea of toys, since he had never actually tought Gavin was into that kind of thing, but it was a good thing he was.
Listening to Gavin's words about them not feeding off anyone else made them nod almost at the same time.  " I never had a problem being loyal to you gav, with our without knowing about the demon side inside me" Jaxx said as he licked his lips " besides I can't get what you give me anywhere else , after all it's only you I want " he added.

Zek spoke next as he stared into Gavin's eyes "last time was a mistake that won't ever happen again by or without will...I'll play it safe from now on."

Both makes followed Gavin into the bedroom as they saw him get ready for them. Gavin's suggestion sounded swell and neither demon was going to say no.

" so wich one of us do you want where to start ?  " Zek asked before Jaxx could. They could both do Rock Paper Scissors to pick but they wanted Gavin to be the one getting spoiled this time around. Either at they would both get what they wanted.

Jaxx smirked seeing the lovely sight of his partner in all fours, and by the look of it so was Zek.

"I believe you both..." Gavin said as he sat down and looked at both the male's he reached out and grabbed their jeans and pulled them closer to him. "I want to taste you both first...then we can figure out who will take me first." He smiled and bit his lip as he motioned for both the boys to take off their pants.

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