Chapter 7: Morning, Princess....

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Jaxx pressed his head against Gavin as he smiled " sure we have all day tomorrow to catch up...just rest " he added before Gavin leaned against his chest " hey you know I never been much of a chef " he joked as he kiss his lover passionately .  Jaxx smiled as he felt  Gavin was slowly drifting off to sleep.
Jaxx tried to do the same but he just stay still as he held Gavin close. He was worried if he fell asleep Gavin would not be there when he woke up .
Gavin fell asleep while being held in Jaxx's arms. The entire few days events flashed through his mind as he fell asleep. Without him even realizing tears came down from his closed eyes as he let out soft whimpering noises. His arms wrapped around the mans frame and held him tight as if, if he let go Jaxx was going to disappear and he was going to be alone again.
Jaxx could feel Gavin cuddling against him and moving in his sleep. He didn't say a word but he held Gavin close, and wiped away his tears. He wondered what was bothering his lover and how he could fix it. Yet he was worried that some of those tears where going to  because all the mistakes he had done. Jaxx leaned closer to Gavin's ear and whispered " I am never leaving your side again" as he closed his eyes and mumbled the lyrics to his favorite song like he always did when ever Gavin was falling asleep, specially after they had finish making love to eachother.
The night passed In a Flash and before they knew it the sun was tossing between the blinds. Somewhere along the way Jaxx feel asleep, yet he never let go of Gavin's tiny frame keeping it close to his chest.
Gavin woke up not until much later after the sun rose. He really was exhausted. He opened his eyes around 2pm and nuzzled into the man holding him for a moment he thought he was in Zek's arms but as his senses came back and so did the smoke smell that inhabited the apartment he realized this was Jaxx. "Jaxx..." he said softly as he ran his fingers through his navy hair.
Jaxx slowly moved a bit  as he felt something touching him. "Mojō's to early for me to get up" he said as he open his eyes as noticed it was not his cat but his lover laying in his arms. He smile tenderly as he placed a kiss on Gavin's forehead. " Morning princess " he said as he was happy to see that having his lover back was real and not a dream.
Gavin pouted, "again with the know I'm not a girl right." He said  then suddenly laughing. It felt like they had never been separated. He smiled at Jaxx and leaned forward and kissed him sweetly. He gazed into his two tone eyes and felt his body get hot as his hand caressed through his hair again. "I'll make breakfast...then  we can tell each other about these past two years. Okay?" He sat up onto his knees and looked down at Jaxx. He flipped over and sat onto the mans lap, "I really missed you..." He flipped over again and stood up from the bed. "Come on...if you want I'll cook in my underwear...only if you have an apron." He laughed.
Jaxx rolled his eyes " hey I haven't been actually dating anyone to come up with new catch phrases ...." He said letting his words trail off - he had not been adoring anyone but he had been fucking everyone in sight. " Gavin ...i.." He was about to say something when he saw Gavin's smile making him look away as his cheeks turned bright pink " hey your as cute a a girl or more so you are my princess " he murmured as Gavin got on his lap.
Being so close to his lover made his morning wood rose up bad making him ashamed of how easily Gavin had him wrapped around his finger.
Jaxx looked at Gavin getting up from the bed and quickly got up after him grabbing his cigs and lighter before walking out of the room. " that sounds like the best plan for a breakfast I heard in a long time .." He joked " but be careful I been Gavin problems keeping my control in's like I turn into a horn dog once my other head wakes up " he laughed  " I have an apron in the kitchen if you want to wear it yet I don't promise I won't pounce you" he said walking close to the door that lead to the balcony " I'll be outside for a bit ... I know you hate cigaret smoke so, I'll be back in a few " he teased.
Gavin bit his lip as he watched Jaxx walk towards the balcony. He saw his boner peeking from his underwear and just imagining being pounced by him. It sounded great. The Irish boy didn't think of himself as a sex-o-holic but it seemed he was a bit addicted.
Before Jaxx went outside he slapped the boys butt playfully and laughed as he went into the kitchen. He found the apron and put it on while wearing his underwear underneath. He used what he could find in the fridge to make a makeshift breakfast. He made sausage with hot dogs and eggs and found some bread to make toast. He did the best he could and it didn't take long to make. He made two plates and set it aside for them. "Jaxx, it's ready" he called to him.
Jaxx blushed feeling Gavin's hand slapping his bottom. No don't had done something like that in a long time, and it made him feel even more grateful that Gavin was back.
Jaxx leaded against the edge as as looked inside as Gavin was running around the kitchen gathering materials. He lit his cigaret as it was still hard to believe that this was all real.
Jaxx looked at the floor a bit depressed. If he was still the kid Gavin remembered maybe he could make Gavin happy. Hopefully Gavin had his share of fun too when they where apart, something to keep his mind of thinking about him.
Jaxx body was covered in bruises from the fifths he had gotten in the last few days, as well as scratches on his back from the different people he had been sleeping with. His eyes carried dark circles around them making the color they carried to stand out.
Jaxx finished his ciggarrete as he let the bud inside the ashtray he kept outside, as he slowly open the door and let himself inside the apartment, just to hear Gavin say food was ready.
"That was quick" Jaxx said a bit surprised. Them again he didn't know the first thing about cooking. He just ate what ever didn't burn when he put it on the stove.
He grabbed some cups and kitchen utensils and put them in the table. Gavin did all that work of cooking, the lease he could do was set up the table.
Yet no matter how hard he tried his eyes seem to be locked on on Gavin.
They sat at the table and began to eat. " this looks delicious" he added as he took a first bite . In a couple of moments Jaxx finished his plate quickly and say there looking at his lover with puppy like eyes.________________________________________________
Gavin wasn't some amazing cook but he knew how to feed himself since his mom was always working and well he cooked for Zek sometimes.
The irish boy started to eat the American meal though by the time Jaxx was done Gavin was half way done and pushed his plate away. He looked up at his old friend and felt his cheeks get hot at the expression he saw. It was adorable. "I'm not used to American food anymore." He smiled and pushed his plate to Jaxx. "You look like a puppy begging for scraps at the dinner table" he said with a laugh. He watched Jaxx for a moment, "if you're wondering... mom took us far away as possible. Japan is what she came up with. "

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