A New Beginning

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I can't believe that Yn is in the hospital right now. When Marie called me and said Yn was in the hospital from being shot at... I nearly fainted. Fuck what I was doing that shit didn't matter after that phone called... all that matter was if am I going to see my cousin alive or dead...

"Where she at?" I yelled at the people sitting at the front desk.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me... Where the fuck is she?"

"I don't know who your..."

"Well you better get to looking." I put my hands on my hips and watched her pick up the phone. "Are you calling security?" she didn't say anything. "Are you calling security on me?" she stayed quite..."Bitch you better not be calling security on me... If I find out that yo ass called security on me then I'm a FUCK yo ass up. Don't play with me girl. I'm not the one to be played with." I grabbed the chick by her hair and pulled her close to me. "Like I said I'm not the one to be played with..." I felt somebody trying to loosen the grip I had on the girl. I looked and it was Marie.

"You lucky bitch." I let the girl go and went to find Diamond.

"Family of Lopez?"

Here we go...


"Hey you guys" I seen Yn and started crying. "Come here Melody" I walked to her bedside. "Get up here" I climbed in the bed with her. "I'm okay. I not going anywhere yet. I have a family to look after since Rico is gone."

"Hold up... What you mean Rico is gone?" we asked. "Mama didn't tell y'all did she?" I guess the looks on our faces gave that away. "Yeah he pasted while he was on the phone with me earlier but don't worry y'all like pretty faces off about it I got this."


I can't believe that Bitch. Why the hell am I even in here? I mean yeah I did try to kill Michelle but I had a good ass reason too.... Her husband killed my babydaddy... MY MOTHAFUCKING KIDS FATHER... I'm not gon' let that shit slide... I don't know what the fuck y'all thought. Tahu.

I hope that smut know we got unfinished business... I'm automatically out for a "Shoot to Kill "


What the hell is going on? Am I dead? Where the hell am I? Why the fuck is this light so damn bright?

All I could do was ask questions but it seems like nobody wanted to ducking answer them. I looked around to check my surrounding and it looked like I was in a hospital...  Well I hope I was in a fucking hospital but if not... then it's 'Judgement day' for me and to be honest I'm not ready for judgement day.

"Are you awake Mr.Carter?" I looked to my left and notice a British lady at my bedside.

"Yeah... I'm up... Where am I?"

"Your in the hospital sir." I looked down at my chest and notice the bullet wound that I had was gone.

"What the fuck is going on?" I thought as she continue to look at me.

"Why am I in the hospital?"

"Because you been in a coma for the last seven years "

A coma? Seven years?  Nah, I gotta be tripping... Right?

"Really? You fucking with me right?"

She shook her head "No sir. I wouldn't fuck with you like that." she giggled. "Yolanda would be happy to hear about this." she said then walked out the room.

Hold up... did she just say Yolanda... as in my babymomma Yolanda? I can't wait see her sexy ass again. I know she remember everything we been through.


"Hey, your up." I looked up and met eyes with Yn. "Yeah I'm up now." she giggled as she came an sat down in the empty chair sitting by my bed. "Well now that your up I can finish telling you about my crazy lifestyle." I gave her my full attention and listened to her story...

"Where did I stop off at?" she sat there for a minuted. "Oh, now I remember. Anyways, I was in the hospital every night thinking of a plan to kill that smut... then I I try hit me 'Have Marie to do it.' since she felt that Michelle had it out for her since that met." She giggled then continued. "While I was in the hospital the nurses ran a test on y urine to make sure I didn't have anything but they came back and told me I was pregnant... I was so shocked because right before Rico passed he said the same thing..."

What the hell she mean before Rico passed? Am right here ain't I? "…The day I got out the hospital was the day I went to tell Marie all about the plan. I had to go see my son and momma already felt that I was pregnant so I didn't tell her. Who wants to hear that 'I told you so' crap so I let it be."

"Hold up so Rico passed?"

"Yeah. It must of slipped my mind but after your twin brother died I took it kind of hard. That's how I ended up in the hospital."

"What the fuck you mean my brother? Ain't I'm Rico?"

She shook her head. "This is way difficult then I thought..." I looked at her like she was crazy. "Sweetheart your not Rico... Your Johnathan."

Am I living a lie or was this a plan Kyrie doing so he could see me suffer...?


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