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The last few days have been a rush.. Saki has endured through it all and eventually, it all calmed down for a while.

On the sidelines, Jungkook saw how much she has suffered and how much she had walked through it all. He was proud of her for being so strong. But what he was so bothered by was the fact that Jimin had been there with her all along when it was supposed to be him who was by her side.

He fought for her but it was never enough. He failed to realize that Sakina only had eyes for him and unfortunately, Jimin was the one who had truly lost from the start. Jungkook thought that he had already lost her, lost against Jimin, lost everything that he ever wanted. 

It was currently a dark stormy night. Jungkook was out, driving. Where? He didn't know. He just wanted to get out and clear his mind though it seems as if he was driving towards her. Towards the house of the woman he loves. 

The sky outside was dark and stormy, it was raining like crazy. Jungkook was a mess. His eyes were red and swollen from crying and tears still seem to stream down his face. 

All he could see was a white blur and then suddenly.. black.

Jin got a call from the hospital. He was enlisted as Jungkook's 'brother' because.. well Jungkook's real parents would be too busy to even rush to the hospital for their son. As soon as Jin heard the news, he dragged the other boys along and called Jimin and Yoongi.

Sakina heard the news from Jimin and immediately ran out the door, dragging Jimin.

Once they all got to the hospital, Sakina rushed towards the room that they were given and saw a familiar, broken boy laying on the white bed in the room.

This all seems too familiar to her. She couldn't possibly, no.. she didn't want to lose another important person in her life. First her mom and now, Jungkook. The one she truly loves.

After crying and waiting for hours, the doctor finally came out.

"He seems to be fine.." Everyone sighed in relief but was shattered again when the next words came out of the doctor's mouth, "though, it seems as if his body has been shut down into a coma. Whether he wakes up or not.. that's up to him."

The news made even more tears stream down Sakina's face. She immediately walked into the room when given permission and sat down next to the sleeping body.

Sakina held his hand tightly, not wanting to let go and cried.

"Please.. wake up. Don't leave us. Don't leave me." Sakina managed to sob out. 

The boys' heart broke into pieces at the sight of the poor girl who had to experiences this not once, but twice.

Jimin stared at how Sakina was acting. With tears of his own, he was heart broken. He knew he couldn't won her now. No one could expect for the boy who's sleeping, Jungkook. He knew had lost. Now, he can only wish for Jungkook to wake up so he could take care of Sakina the way she deserves to be taken care of.

Life will never be calm for them. I mean for us humans as well. When will it ever stop going up and down the loops? Probably for only a mere second but that's all there is. It's something we all have to deal with. The many burdens on our shoulders are never completely gone although we feel as if it is.

We carry a continuous feeling of pain with us as we continue to walk through different paths. Jimin, Jungkook, and Sakina knew this feeling very well and they somehow continue to walk. 

Whether we stop or not is up to us. No one else. So all that we can do now, is hope that Jungkook won't stop.

Sakina stared at Jungkook with thoughts and memories of them two roaming in her head. She had a faint smile visible on her lips.

"Only fools fall for you." She muttered, "I guess I'm a fool then.."

Fools (Jeon Jungkook) DISCONTINUEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang