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After dinner was finished, me and Jin brought the dishes to the sink and he offered to wash them but I shoo him away to watch over the boys in case they destroy this house, especially Namjoon.

I was in the processing of washing them when a pair of arms reach into the sink, his body standing beside me. I could feel the warmth.

"What are you doing? Go back and play with your hyungs." I look at him curiously. He's not one to participate in stuff like this.. Or anything really.

"I quit trying to get the remote from Taehyung." Jungkook sighed in annoyance. I slightly giggle at this.

I place the last dish on the drying rack.

"Well all finished. Thanks Kookie." I smiled as I wash my hand and he washed his. I look over and he was blushing. Is he embarrassed of his nickname? How cute!

Suddenly, his beautiful eyes were staring back at my dull ones.

You could hear the water still running but to me, it felt like everything froze. He leaned in just a bit closer and I did the same. Our lips were an inch apart until someone shout at us.

"YAH! ARE YOU GUYS DONE?!" Jin yelled from the living room. "I NEED HELP HERE!"

We both shook and rapidly pulled away as I closed the faucet, my face blushing brightly.

"COMING!" I yelled back. When me and Jungkook went to the living room, I saw horror yet it amused me.

Suga was laying on the floor, looking dead. V, Jimin, and Namjoon were all tangled up probably because they were arguing or something and Jin was trying to pull them all apart.

"About time!" Jin frustratedly yell.

"Sakiiii. Are you okay? Your face is so red!" Jimin miraculously untangled himself and rushed to me, putting his hand on my forehead.

"Ne.. I'm fine." I smiled awkwardly, recalling the scene of what almost happened in the kitchen in my brain.

"You're a bit heated. Do you want to go to the doctor's?" Jimin asked, worried. 

"A-ani. I'm fine. Really." I laughed it off.

Jungkook cleared his throat in an awkwardly manner.

"Well it's getting late. I'mma go home. See you guys tomorrow." He waved and left out the door.

"He doesn't live you guys?" I pondered.

"Nah. He stated we were too annoying to live with so he moved out on his own. His parents supported him financially from Busan." Jin stated, rolling his eyes when he said the words ' we were too annoying.'

"Same with Yoongi. But at least he has a job to support himself with food and clothes instead of having his parents paying for everything." Jin shook his head at Jungkook.

I mentally laugh at this. 

"We all wanted to move to Seoul to attend a special university for music after high school ends. Our parents agreed and so that's how we end up here. We met each other here and decided to house together until Jungkook and Yoongi got annoyed and left. Jimin was already here with his parents but I guess his parents left for business now." Jin smiled at the memory.

The boys finally left after a while and me and Jimin were getting ready to go to bed.

"Sakina?" Jimin asked me softly, yawning a bit.

"Hmm?" I looked at him as I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom. He stood by the doorway.

"Wanna head to that cafe again tomorrow morning before school?" He closed his eyes, waiting for me to finish brushing and answer.

Fools (Jeon Jungkook) DISCONTINUEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin