A Volunteer

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Ryker was a tall young guy, unlike the old grey leader hobbling around on a cane that I pictured. "Young men and women, you are all here today for one thing. One thing that you all have in common, which is your fear of fire, a product of nature. Of light and heat, and severe danger. But that phobia itself could kill you, and be a threat to our perfect future." He paused for a moment, then held up a very familiar sheet of paper. With my name scribbled on it!

"I see we have one brave volunteer for today. Winter Ferris, would you come up, please?" "What?!" I whispered in disbelief. It was Kiana. She tricked me! "A sign up sheet." Kiana snickered to Sailor and Edge. "Dumb blonde."

I walked slowly up to the front of the room. I refused to look up, for the fear that I might start crying. Ryker pointed to a circular maze behind us. "This maze is very large, and has only one right exit. This activity tests your speed, bravery, and.. Your ability to stay alive. There will be a camera, showing us Winter's every move inside the maze." Ryker turned to me. "Don't ask questions. Run fast. We wouldn't want to lose you on the first day. Oh, and signing up for volunteer was very brave of you. Usually, we just have to pick at random." I felt my face get hot.

I jumped a little when the ground beneath me started to move, taking me into the deep, dark maze. Just be brave, Winter. You can do this. Now think. What would you do in a situation like this?
My thoughts brought me back to that burning house. How I climbed out of the window! The window! My heart fluttered with hope.

Then I groaned in frustration when I saw big spikes covering the wall. The platform disappeared and the maze wall closed behind me. I laughed out loud. "Well this isn't so bad." Or so I thought. Then I heard a low crackle behind me. My fear took over, and I no longer had control over my body. My feet pounded on the floor, but no matter how faraway I seemed to be, I could still feel the heat on my back.

Now which corner to turn? It doesn't matter! Just go! I keep to the right, my pace increasing. The side stitches felt terrible,but I forced myself to continue. I ran all the way through, gasping for air. Hmm. Usually I would've found a way out by now. The fire was getting closer.

"Screw it." I muttered, and started to position myself. "Arghh!" I shreiked, sounding half animal. The spikes on the wall tore at my skin, dug deep into my flesh. I forced myself to continue, yelping in pain everytime I moved up. I finally reached the top of the wall, and swung myself over the top. I landed hard on the floor, inhaling and exhaling sharply.

"Well done. This lesson teaches that fear messes with our minds, makes us do unreasonable things. And sometimes," Ryker gestured to me, panting on the floor like a dog, examining my bloody palms. "You have to do things the smart way, even if its the hard way."

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