The Pyro Squad

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My eyes opened when the bus came to a halt. "Next stop, the Pyro Squad Headquarters!" The bus driver called. I slowly got up and walked out with a few other people.

It was bigger than I imagined. There was a line of people, but it went fast. I shivered when I walked into the building. The headquarters were freaking cold! Good thing I still had my sweater on. "Ticket?" A man held out his hand to me. I stuffed my hand into my pocket and returned with my blue ticket. He scanned the ticket into his machine, then shredded it. "Thank you. Move along." He directed.

I found myself looking up at many floors, studying all the different people, working in different ways. Some laughing together, some in deep thought. After walking around for a bit, I found the place where you get your room assigned.

I was the second in line. "I'll be right back, maam." The woman at the counter said to the girl in front of me. The first thing I noticed about her is how muscular she was, and her jet-black, midnight blue streaked hair that was up in a bun. She turned around to face me.

"Uh.. Hi!" I waved awkwardly. "I'm Winter." The girl started chewing on a piece of gum. "Storm. Where ya from?" "San Caro." I replied casually. "Ah, a small, skinny blonde from San Caro. Ace'll have some fun with you." Storm smirked at me. "Who's Ace?" Storm rolled her eyes. "A real flirt. He'll steal your heart, but he'll also steal your top ranks."

The lady came back and handed Storm a key with her room number on it. I was next, but Storm surprisingly waited next to me. "Here you go." She handed me the key. I started to walk off with Storm. "Wow, what a coincidence." Storm yelled sarcastically. Our room numbers were one away from each other. "Who's in the middle?" I asked her. She only shrugged.

At one point of our walk, a tall guy with brown hair joined us. "Hey sweetheart. I'm Ace. I'm sure you've heard of me." "Winter." I replied. "Well." He paused, slinging his arm casually around me. Storm shot me a goofy smile, but put her arm around his back. Ace smiled at me warmly.

"Welcome to the Pyro Squad, Winter."

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