Bye San Caro

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I was in the testing room, my arms wrapped around my knees, rocking back and forth. My cheeks were still soaked from crying. "It's okay, Miss Ferris. It's over. It's okay now." Nurse Cam said sympathetically. Images flashed through my head. The yellow house. The younger me, screaming amd crying. My parents, covered in flames. My mother, telling me to run. That she loved me.

"Okay, your main result is Pyrophobia. So I will get your information and you can head on out." Nurse Cam handed me some tissues. She quickly turned to type something onto her computer, then handed me two printed tickets; one for a last trip back home, the next to the Fear Program headquarters.

"Thank you." I muttered, then walked out of the building.

It felt great to return to San Caro, though it wasn't my real home. San Caro was known as a spoiled city for the rich kids. I only live there because my guardian ,Grand lives there. He probably wouldn't care that I was leaving. So I packed some things in a backpack and set off to the bus station.

I took one last look at the golden sunsets and tall mansions in San Caro.

The door to the bus swung open.

"Okay honey, are you getting on or not?" The bus driver asked me. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and stepped onto the bus, to my relief, had the back seats open. I walked down the aisle and looked outside the window, admiring my home. "See ya later, San Caro." I whispered.

At some point I fell into a deep sleep. Then I dreamed about a yellow house. And how in this dream, I got home in time.

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