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We all grabbed trays and got in line behind Callan. A tall asian girl walked slowly into the cafe with pride along with two others. She wore a bright yellow tank top with brown leather boots and spikes on the ankles. She wore gold eyeliner and smelled like cheap perfume. "Who's that?" Storm asked Ace before I could.

"That would be Kiana Lei." He answered, almost emotionlessly. "And her "loyal" followers?" Her fingers formed air quotes. "I don't know. I think the girl is Sailor, and the boy is Edge." "Edge?" Storm snickered. "Creative name choice." Sailor was a beautiful hispanic girl, by the looks of it. Her light brown hair tumbled down to her hips in neat waves. She wore bright purple braces on her teeth.

Edge, the boy, had dark skin and shining eyes. It looked as if his shoes were more expensive than his entire wardrobe. We watched them again as they all threw back their heads and laughed. "What's so funny?" Storm asked aloud. The group of three walked towards line a, across from us. "Stay away from Kiana if you want to survive here. She comes with the best skills, and the worst personality." Ace informed us.

The line moved up and we began grabbing food to put on our trays. I stared down at the foreign objects and wrinkled my nose. "Ew, do you guys actually eat this stuff?" Storm rolled her eyes. She was good at that by now. "Typical San Carian. Turns her nose up at some homemade mac and cheese." I'm sure I could remember food before The Incident, but I couldn't. Or maybe I tried so hard to forget.

Ace spooned some onto my plate. "Try it." Before I could open my mouth to protest, Storm chuckled and said, "What do y'all eat, snails with golden flakes?" I shrugged. "Some do, but we refer to it as escargot." Storm snorted. "Rich people." I pointed to some red jiggling cubes. "What's that?" Storm grinned at me. "Its Jello. Take some." I grabbed some and put it onto my tray. I recognized some spaghetti and got that too.

We walked to an available table and set our stuff down. To my surprise, Callan sat with us. Then he said the first thing since we walked with him in the hallway. "You gonna eat that?" He gestured to the mac and cheese. I smiled at him. "Uhm, yeah!" I wasn't sure if I wanted to eat it yet. Or ever.
"Look." Callan told me, spooning some macaroni into his mouth.

I glanced over at Storm and Ace to see if they noticed that he was talking, but they were too into their own conversations. I shrugged, and put some into my mouth. I chewed slowly, savoring the flavor. "Cheesy." I told him.

Just then, Kiana walked over to us, her boots clicking on the tiles. I noted how orange they were. "Hey losers," She snarled. "Your lucky I'm talking to you. But this is only a one time thing. Ryker wanted you to sign your names on this sign up sheet." I shook my head. "A sign up sheet? If we came here and got our rooms and all, why do we need a sign up sheet?!" Callan nodded his head in agreement. "Hey, I'm not the boss here. Whatever Ryker does, its on him." She explained.

I scribbled my name then finished my last bite of food. "Attention! All new pyro squad members report to the meeting hall at once." A voice scratched out through the intercom. "Lets go!" Storm shouted, and sprung up from chair, running ahead of the crowd.

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