Chapter 5: Blake

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Chapter 3: Blake
I wake up the next morning and carefully pull myself out of bed. My dad storms into my room pulls me up fast by the arm.
"What the fuck is taking you so long to get my food!" He yells making the alcohol in his breath stand out wildly.
"I- I'm sorry dad I didn't mean to w-" I didn't finish my sentence before I felt a painful stinging in my left cheek that felt oddly in a fist shape.
"Hurry the fuck up you piece of shit!" He yelled. My father spat in then dropped me and stormed out the room.
I scrambled up from the and raced to get dressed. I grab a grey t-shirt that has small holes in it then I pick up some old jeans that have become high waters.
I run into my bathroom and open the mirror door and grab the only medicine there is Advil.
I grab three and pop them in my mouth before running out my room and down the stairs.
I reach the kitchen then sift through the cabinets looking for the food he likes the most.
Though my prayers were not answered the situation was made worse. I pull out the only item of food in the cabinet which happened to be his least favorite meal. Oatmeal. Panicking I pull the microwaveable food over to the place where we keep the bowls. I pour the powdery food into the small blue bowl.
I run over to sink and go to the side filled with clean water. I turn it to hot and wait a few seconds before putting it under the tap.
I wander over to the cabinet we put the silver ware in I grab a spoon and mix the small amount of food. I rush to the table and put his bowl on the table fully knowing I'll get a beating.
Grabbing my bag I rush out the house before he could get down the stairs.

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