Chapter one

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Chapter 1: Grape juice boxes

I walk down the hallway that seems to be never ending clutching my text books to my chest.
"Aww look is the little nerd Having first day gitters?" Queen bitch aka Ally said. I simply look down and continue walking used to the treatment.
I walk through the hall wincing every step because of the recent beating from the Jocks.


I walk through the line grabbing a apple and a grape juice box. I walk to the counter and pay the 1.85 it had cost. I quickly rip open the plastic with my mouth and stick the white piece of plastic in the rectangular box. I take a small step but end up running in to a rough, toned body. In that one motion I squeezed the juice box in surprise.
I take a couple steps back so that I wouldn't fall.
"Watch it nerd" A voice full of irritation said. Instead of looking up and responding I quickly scurried away trying not humiliate myself more than I already have. I look down at my shirt and see a large purple stain right on top of my boobs. I flush a deep shade of pink and run to the locker room. Half because gym is my one extra connection I was able to choose because I already completed, understood, and aced any other fifth period I could have had.
And also because the stain on my shirt was extremely embarrassing.
I change into the long basketball shorts that would contrast with the short shorts that girls would wear to get some males attention, unlike me who would just like someone not to judge me.
I take of my shirt and I un clasp my bra so that I could put on my sports bra. I pulled it on and grabbed my tight black shirt that matched my black shorts. I took off my Black Jordan's not wanting to make them dirty. I pull on my black vans high tops. I quickly put my stuff back into the locker and ran into the gym.
I sit on the bright tan benches and waited for the coach to start talking.

"Today we're playing football! Jay and Willow team captains Jay is white shirts and Willow is Blue shirts." Coach Brent said.
"Ummm Karl" Willow said first.
"Ugh fine I'll take the nerd." Willow said
"Ha take that bitch!" Jay cheered.
Grumbling curse words Willow walked to where all the helmets and gear was then tossed a set to me not caring that it didn't land any wear near me.
"Pick it up fat ass" Willow snarled.
I quickly ran the 15 feet distance and put it on.
"Team, and nerd, are strategy is Quaterback backs up to 30 then throws to 50 and the person who was supposed to be standing there, Ryder, will run to a Touch down. The rest of you will make sure no one gets to Ryder or Are Quarterback, me, got it?!" Willow said quite loudly.
"YES" Everyone but me shouted.
Coach blew the whistle and we all ran to the field. I go onto the line and put my legs in the running position. I look across the line into the intimidating eyes of Mark.
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