Chapter 3: Blake

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Chapter 3: Blake
I silently walk home from school going extremely slow to prevent going home a little longer. I walk up my small drive way and type in the code to open the garage door. I walk in and click a button that make the garage door go down. I open the door that leads into the house. I close it and walk as quietly as possible to the stairs. I don't make it very far cause my father clasps his hands around my neck.
"Why the hell were you not home earlier!?" My father slurs.
"I-I'm sorry I-I-I" My Father cuts me of by saying,
"Stop with all the fucking lies!" His hands tighten around my neck and I claw at his hands. My father throws me across the room and I hit the wall hard. My vision slightly blurs so I sit still knowing that if I moved the beating would be worse.
"You should just die! No one wants you here! Was your mom given a choice! Huh?! Huh?!" He screams in my face. My father walks in the kitchen and walks out with a large kitchen knife. I try and scoot away but he comes closer and closer. Before I can scream he sticks the knife in my right thigh. Halfway through crying out in pain he sticks his left hand on my mouth to muffle it.
"Shut up you bitch!" He yells. He pulls the knife out causing me to scream into his hand. My father makes deep slashes all around body but not going above my collar bone. My screams never stop, yet it only makes him more devoted.
"Stop please! Stop stop-p! Dad please stop!" I choke out. Slowly losing consciousness. A few minutes later my dad gets bored of torturing me and he gets up.
"Never be home late again you price of shit!" He yells. Once he leaves the room I sigh but immediately crie out in pain.
I scramble up to feet feeling a large amounts of pain. I walk slowly to my leaving a small trail of blood. I walk into the room and immediately go to the bathroom. I open the door and sit on the closed toilet and grabbed the first aid kit off the counter. I open the box and take out a small needle, some alcohol, medical string, a huge amount of bandages, and medical tape. I close the box then set everything, but alcohol on the floor. I grab a wash cloth from the bin to the right of the toilet and pour a large amount of alcohol on the wash cloth. I put it on the ground and slowly strip out of all my clothes, including my boxers. I pick up the wash cloth and slowly clean all the cuts except for the for the puncture wound. Since most of them were close together I just grab the bandages and put them over the groups of cuts, I grab the medical tape and cut reasonable amounts to put over the bandages. After I complete putting on the tape, I move to my heavily bleeding thigh. I grab a towel from the basket to left of the toilet. I pick up the alcohol and pour most of it on the towel.
I place the alcohol on the floor and Gently dab the towel on the deep cut. I grit my teeth so I don't scream. I set down the towel and grab the needle and medical string.
I tie the thin string around the needle then line it up with where the cut starts. I pull it through my skin, groaning out from the pain, and out far enough that there is about 2 centimeters of it on the other side. I tie a knot so that the string won't slip through the small hole I made.
I continue to go in and out with the string all along the cut. Once I get to the end of the cut I cut off everything but two centimeters of the string.
I tie the clear colored string into a small knot then grab a large bandage and place it on top of the self done stitches. I grab the medical tape and cut 2 pieces that were 12 inches and two more pieces that were 2 inches. I put 2 up and down and the other two side to side. I slowly get up and and rinse my hands off in the sink. I put everything away and lay the first aid kit on the counter. I walk into my room still naked.
I stay awake long enough to pull the covers up to my shoulders and lay my head on the pillow before I pass out into a dreamless and slightly lifeless oblivion that I welcome with wide, open, and happy arms excited to be away from my terrible life for a little bit even if it won't last long.
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