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Nari's POV
"Ok ok! It's... Taehyung."


The guy that played soccer with me? The guy who was my friend? The guy that pecked my cheek without my consent? The guy who is a playboy? I know Jiwoo probably really likes him, but I can't let her date him if he will do bad things to her.  She is my friend. I should protect her no matter what.

Wait, wait, wait. I already told her that he was a playboy. Does she like playboys? She never told me that, I thought we had a promise to tell each other everything. Should I still protect her?

"Umm, are you okay Nari?" She says, looking worried
"Me? Totally! I just thought you weren't into.. playboys. And we we are friends in elementary school! I'm pretty sure we liked each other."
"He's cute ok! And I did not know that.
"Aish! You two go to different schools! He probably doesn't even know you exist. And why do you only like him because he's cute? Looks aren't everything."
"So?! That doesn't matter, and I can talk my parents into it. And I know that. Dumbass."

She mumbles the last word, but I could hear it loud and clear. I'm in rage mode now.

"Did you just call me a dumbass? I'm trying to give you some advice here!"

This conversation was starting to get heated, and I didn't want to be a part of it anymore.

"Well, I'll talk to you later. Bye."
"A-annyeong.." Her voice that was loud turned quiet in a milli-second.

I turn my back and roll my eyes and walk back home. As I put my key in the keyhole, I feel regret. I didn't realize that she was my only friend at school, the only person I could trust. Except for Yoongi. He was now my only friend, the only person I could trust. A new school is hard, even more so when it's a high school. Does Yoongi trust me too?

"Why are you always so sad when coming home?" My parents say
"I'm fine, don't worry. It's already 10:00, I should get ready for bed."

I can hear them mumbling something about a mental health expert, do they think I have depression? Wow, this day couldn't get any better.

My parents give me a strange glare as I walk up the stairs, it's like everything and everybody hates me. Can't anyone relate?

I take my hair out of my ponytail, and do my night-time routine, I think to myself that I should probably apologize to Jiwoo, but it's 11:00 so she would be asleep by now. Maybe I should text Yoongi? He's really all I got right now.

Yoongi's POV
I'm not really feeling sleepy right now, which is surprising, so I just scroll though social media. Then all of a sudden I hear a *boop*

From: Nari 😍
Umm, can I talk to you really quick?
Sure! What is it?
From: Nari 😍
Well, I had a fight with my friend, and I'm pretty sure she hates me.
Apologize! The same thing happened to me but he never forgave me. I told him not to date this girl but he didn't listen. We've never talked since. Oops, too much info haha
From: Nari 😍
No it's fine! I will apologize tomorrow, thanks! Goodnight
Night :)

Nari's POV
He has been in the same situation as me? We seriously need to talk tomorrow.
I was running out of ideas but I hope this is good enough! Stay tuned for chapter 6 😊

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