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Yoongi's POV
I don't actually know why I tapped on her shoulder. She kind of looked scared or sad. But when she turned around, she looked so pretty. Dark wavy brown hair that was almost black, petite nose, plump lips. Was I being a creep?
"Umm.. who are you?" she mumbles thinking I can't hear her
"I'm Min Yoongi!" I say cheerfully
Was that too much? Will she get more scared by that?
I look down and awkwardness filled the atmosphere.
She walks frantically and I realize she's going to the same way, to SOPA. I didn't want to follow her but I had to go the same direction. I hope she doesn't realize that!

*At school*

I walk into the school and I don't feel scared at all, I'm been at SOPA for three years now. I notice BTS (the boy group I am in; it's a popular group too) and walk up to them and tell them about the girl.

"She seems.. b-beautiful.." Taehyung silently says and I can barely hear him
I look at him confused and he slowly looks at me.
Awkwardness filled the atmosphere, again.
"Wow! You haven't liked a girl in awhile!" Namjoon says to break the silence
"Aish. Namjoon-ah!" I say as all of BTS laughs, except for Taehyung.

I weakly show my gum smile as I hear the bell ring for the first class. I walk into the class and I notice the girl there. She noticed me as well and she doesn't seem scared anymore. I want to ask for her name, but I'm scared. I don't play with girls, but Jungkook and V do. And the fact that Taehyung was attracted to her makes me scared. She was so pretty so be hurt. I know nothing about her, but I want her to be safe. I barely like many girls too!

Why do I have all of these feelings when we just met?

I chose a seat that is diagonally behind her, I don't want to be a creep! I carefully look at her for five seconds, she is taking notes about the subject, she seems smart.
Aish! Yoongi stop and actually listen to the subject!

As the whole class leaves for the next class, I carefully tap on her shoulder again. She looks at me kind of angrily.
"Umm, I was just wondering if I c-could get your n-n-name?..." I say and I notice my cheeks are burning red, why am I blushing?! I look down, again, and I hear her answering my question.
I hope you enjoyed chapter 2! I don't want to make things to fast so this is it chapter 2! For some reason I can't do italics so I have to use bold each time, sorry! :)

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