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Nari's POV
"Park Nari" I say quietly since I'm eating
"Aish! Taehyung! She is eating" I hear Yoongi say as he hits Taehyung's arm.
"Hey that isn't nice"
"Mianhae" Yoongi says sincerely
I smile at him.
"Wait d-did you say Park Nari?" Taehyung says looking annoyed
I nodded
"What's your name?" I say
"Kim Taehyung"

Wait. Kim Taehyung?! I didn't even realize that it was him, when we were kids we were play games together. Does he recognize me too? I still kind of like him but how come I didn't recognize him? Was I blinded by Yoongi? Because I am starting to like him as well. Geez, I never like these many guys on the first day of school.

Silence filled our table
All of BTS looks at Taehyung and I and I feel so embarrassed.
"Well, see you guys tomorrow" I say
"Goodbye!" They say

*Skip to walking home from school*

I walk home from school and the autumn air isn't windy and crisp. There isn't a wind and the sun is shining. I look up at the sky and there are no clouds. But again, I feel a tap on my shoulder. When I turn around, thinking it is Yoongi, but it's Taehyung.

"Hi.." He says, almost whispering
"So do you remember me?" He says, he is always so confident
But before I could answer, he gives me a quick peck on my cheek.
"What the heck?!" I'm almost screaming
"So I can't even kiss your cheek? You've changed" he says laughing like a playboy
"No, you've changed" I say running home
"Wait! Nari! I couldn't help myself!" I hear him shout from afar

I lock my door and breathe heavily. I remember that Jiwoo texted me about shopping.

"Are you alright?" I hear my mom say
"Ne. Jiwoo and I are going to go shopping"
"Be careful honey" my dad says
"I will!" I run upstairs to my room and text Jiwoo.

Jiwoo's POV
Hmm, I texted her but she didn't answer. I hope she's alright. She texted her before school saying she's scared beause I was there. Suddenly I hear a *boop*

From: Nari 🌸
Sorry! I was walking home from school. I'll change and walk to your house. ^^
Ok! See you then

I might as well change too, so I change into a light blue blouse, white jeans and white converse.

*Knock knock*

I open the door and see Nari. We hug and walk to the mall. It feels like we haven't tallked in years.
"He kissed you? Lucky."
"Not really! He's a playboy." She says
"Oh.." I say, but I secretly find playboys hot.
"It's alright, don't let him do that again!"
"I know, but I don't like him anymore.. I like-
Before Nari could finish talking, I see someone run towards us. It's Yoongi. One of the guys we were just talking about. Great. How did he know we were going to the mall?

Nari's POV
Before I could finish talking, I hear Yoongi walk up to us. I'm happy to see him, he's so friendly and kind.

"Annyeong! I saw you two walking to the mall so I decided to join, if that's okay with you.." he mutters the last five words which made me blush at his adorableness.

"That's fine! By the way, this is Jiwoo, my friend."
"Oh, hello!" He says showing his gum smile, probably the cutest thing in the world.

We enter the mall and I ask if we can get food first since I'm hungry.
"Can we get Chinese food first?"
"Sure! I will pay" Yoongi says

We eat together. After that we looked at clothing shops and I buy one shirt. Yoongi said I look good in it so I had too. Why does he make me so happy? I feel like I can fully trust him even though it's only been a day, is this true love?

"It's getting late, we should probably go.." Jiwoo says staring at Yoongi
He gives me a sad look, I feel so bad.
I check the time and I realize it's already 6:30.

We part as Jiwoo looks at me funny, she knows something is up.
"So, I guess you want to know who I like" I'm already blushing
"I already know!" She says smirking
"It's Yoongi! But I have a secret too.." She says, looking down and mumbling
"Tell me! Friends should tell each other secrets"
"Uhh, ok.. I think I.. l-like.."
"I don't know if you know h-"
"Just tell me!"
"Ok ok! It's.."
Wow. This chapter! Stay tuned for chapter 5!

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