Boyfriend Headcanons [Keith]

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♡ he's not the type to date and get to know the person as you go; if you're dating you must mean a lot to him prior to the relationship

♡ he needs his space. he's used to being alone and the affectionate side of dating is kind of a shell shock for him

♡ don't get me wrong he loves loves loves affection (and the general feeling of being genuinely loved) he just doesn't know how to handle it and ends up feeling like he's doing something wrong

♡ and because of that, he's not a total fan of pda, but he will hold hands and he really likes it when you lace your fingers together

♡ all of his dating knowledge comes from movies so he's really cheesy??? and it's so cute????? yes he will drape his jacket over your shoulders and 'yawn' so he can put his arm around you and the worst is when you reach for something and he purposely reaches for it at the same time so your hands touch stop him omg

♡ he gets really embarrassed if someone coughlancecough brings up the fact that he's in a relationship and that gasp keith has feelings!!!!!!

♡ kiss his nose that boy will freeze and not know what to do and his cheeks will go red its too cute

♡ his favorite thing (when you are comfortable with it) is falling asleep next to you

♡ he gets so embarrassed cause shiro goes Dad Mode™ and will bombard you will questions. you have to be good enough for his bby (except that shiro does that will all of his bbys?????)

♡ downside to dating keith: you are literally all of his impulse control pls keep him out of trouble

♡ since keith is more comfortable around you, you get to experience the gift of his smile and laugh more often what an angel

♡ he'll randomly tell you that you're beautiful

♡ the best is when he points to the stars and says you're beauty is greater than that of all the galaxies

♡ his idea of flirting is knocking your shoulder with his as he passes he's not that good at flirting okay

♡ and to make it worse if things are really desperate, he will go to lance for advice (okay he'll go to shiro first, then lance)

♡ he shows off big time but he's never arrogant about it??? (like lance who would shout "look what I can do!" as he does a nosedive in Blue)

♡ he takes you to meet Red its really sweet and kinda awkward, he introduces you and everything

♡ hug this boy he needs to know he is loved and smooch him all over

♡ okay please kiss his stomach its really ticklish and he cannot contain the laughter omg

♡ despite how awkward he can be with being 'smooth' (aka most of the time) there are the rare moments when he fuckin whips out a smooth ass pickup line from nowhere leaving everyone shocked where did he learn this who is his teacher

♡ he will wrote you cute little notes for you to find!!!!!! (tbh just cause he's too embarrassed to say them aloud)

♡ the only person he will show you off to is lance and that's just cause he's a dick who wants to be better than lance

♡ he likes it when you watch him train except that mr. edgelord™ sets the training level way to high and you have to watch him get his butt whooped

♡ he's really attentive and will notice pretty easily when things are wrong and he always seems to know how to make things better

♡ he just wants to feel a little love okay and he's never realized how much he craves it until he has it

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