Watching Events Unfold.

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On the drive home, I was thinking really hard about what Perri told me. She told me what I already knew; that Rae liked me. In fact, she went as far as to say that she was in LOVE with me. Wow. Was I THAT appreciated by her? That made me smile. I knew she was frontin'. Rae wasn't trying to be known as a stud that likes studs. I didn't understand why, though. Why did it matter to her what others thought? We're already gay! And I didn't understand why lesbians, of all people, were against two masculine GIRLS being together. What did they do, forget studs have vaginas?

Hell, some of them forget that they have vaginas themselves.

I think she thought about what her friends at home would think.

Fuck them if they don't like it. Real friends like you for who you are.

I stop at a red light and spot Dana in the other car and roll my eyes. Seriously? I hope this bitch isn't headed to Rae's house.

She better not be!

Once I pull up to Rae's house, and see that Dana's car isn't there, I smirk.

I go and knock on her door. She comes and stares at me coldly. "Yes?" She asks, like I'm a stranger.

"I gotta talk to you 'bout what happened awhile back."

"Speak." She said, with a dirty look.

"Excuse you? Look, I wanted to talk, but if you're gonna have an attitude, then fuck it."

She sighs. "Fine. Come in."

I walk behind her and shut the door.

"I wanna apologize for goin' off on you like that, man. I was just mad at myself for liking that kiss."

"You lowkey hurt my feelings, though."

"And that's why I'm apologizing. I only flipped because I didn't wanna be deemed a cheater in someone's book."

"What do you mean?"

"It's a morals thing with me. I vowed to myself that if I'm tryna fuck another girl while in a relationship, I'd leave instead of cheating. And if Pam didn't find out that YOU kissed ME, she'd probably go around telling people that I'm a cheater and cockblock me in all ways possible."

"Well, I wanna apologize, too. I knew you and Pam were together, but, dammit, I didn't have any self control. That was selfish as fuck, but Remy..... Ever since that day you came over here to pick out an outfit for my first day with my ex, I started to like you more and more.. But you know the stupid ass 'Stud Rules' don't allow stud on stud couples or you're 'nasty'."

"What? Rae.... Dude. There's no rules to being who you are. That's not being yourself. I like you more when you're being yourself. This whole putting up a front shit doesn't work with me, aight? So fuck the quote, unquote STUD RULES. Seriously, who made that shit up? Tuh!"

Rae is chuckling and she motions for me to go over to her. I do as I'm asked and she pulls me down on her lap and we start making out.

Although I felt sort of weird being in Rae's lap, I was just glad that she finally realized that she actually could date one of her own kind.

Then I hear knocks on a door.

At first, Rae and I kept kissing, and I had my hands running through her dreads.

Then the pounding got more intense. Rae scoffs and gently moves me off of her lap and goes to answer the door. Immediately, I hear a loud, ghetto voice echoing through the house. Then, I knew who it was: Dana fucking Dersham. SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHEN TO STOP!

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