Disdain for Dana

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I get out of the passenger seat of my brother's red Ford Pickup. He got out of the driver's seat as I shut the door on my side. It was quite a jump for me because I wasn't that tall. "Heh, midget ass." Anthony joked. "Shut up."

"Ready to go inside?"

"Yes." I replied. We walked side by Side into the jail.

My brother and I went through the whole process, being checked for weapons, they made us strip, too. I know they do this to inmates, I didn't know they would do this with visitors. Is that even legal?!

Finally we were looking at my other brother, Dave.

Our visit wasn't exactly face to face. We had to use those little phones and we had glass between us. It was a depressing place and it annoyed me that he was in there.

"Man, they don't give you shit in here."

He says, chuckling. "I do not wanna be in this hellhole."

"We don't want you to be in this place either but how else are you gonna learn? That gang life ain't worth being in a shitty jail, D." I say.

Ant and I had the phone in between us so we could both hear and talk to him.

"Aight Dave. What exactly did you get arrested for?" Anthony said.

"They said I was out there pushing drugs and shit."

"Damn. I thought you didn't do drugs." I said. It made me mad to know that my brother had fallen victim to the lifestyle of doing drugs and selling them. Our dad did that too and he's also in jail. The very same one.

"Remy, they said I was SELLING them, not using. Chill. I wouldn't do that shit."

"That's false, right?"

"Hell yeah, it's false. I'm in this bitch for NO FUCKING REASON!" my brother yelled in the phone. He was facing the guard when he said that, though. I sighed. He better feel fucking lucky that he's in here and not in the morgue.

"Lane. I advise you to calm down or your visitation time will be taken away." the female guard said.

That shut him up. He sighed and put the phone back up to his ear.

"Man, I hate this place."

"So stop doing shit that brings you in here. The guns, robbing people.... All that's gotta stop. You need to stay on the straight and narrow, man." I say.

"Well, I gotta get out this bitch first!"


A month later, Pam and I are at school, in the library with Nolie and Tia. She pecked my cheek and I grinned like an idiot. Since I confronted her a couple weeks ago about a little more affection in public and she's been obeying my wishes.

"Y'all are so gay." Tia comments.

"Ah, shut up. You just mad 'cause you ain't got nobody!"

"Um excuse you! I got my eye on somebody right now. I ain't make my move. But oh, trust. I'ma have somebody."

I chuckle.

"Who you got your eye on?" Pam inquires.

"I'ma keep that a secret."

Pam rolls her eyes. Just then, Silas walks by us and daps us. Suddenly, ChatterBox Tia becomes unusually quiet. I quickly caught on and smirked. Little ol' Tia had eyes for him. Forreal , I didn't blame her. He was good looking. He was a ginger. His eyes were this cool honey color, and he had perfect teeth. I'm definitely a lesbian but if circumstances were different, maybe I would've tried him out. Tia caught me smirking and her eyes got huge with worry . I shot her a look of reassurance. I won't tell her secret. I chuckled quietly.

Tia has always downplayed her feelings about him. They were really good friends, but I could see that she wanted something more than that. Nolie and Tia were HORRIBLE at masking their true feelings, in my opinion. I didn't understand how nobody (aside from me) ever caught on to Tia's sudden change in demeanor whenever Silas came around or Nolie's change in demeanor whenever I told her about my wet dreams.

Tia nods to let me know she understands my gesture.

Just then, I get a text from Rae. It says "thx. I feel a little better now". She was home from school because she had killer cramps. I had basically sent her a get well text and told her she was free to call if she needed anything.

"that's great" I replied. I then put my phone back in my pocket and engaged in conversation with everyone at the table.


I hate that damn bell!

As everyone from my table stood and said their goodbyes, I hugged Pam and told her I'd meet her outside by her car later.

"Okay, Remy." She'd said.

"Bye Tia." i said, hugging her also.

Her and Pam walked out of the right side of the library and after saying bye to Silas, Nolie and I exited out of the left side of the library.

We were on our way to confusing ass chemistry next.

As we turn down a hallway chatting away, I notice Dana walking towards us, a scowl on her face, eyes fixated on me.

"Yo, you MIGHT wanna fix your face or I'll do it for you." I warn her, still walking.

"Stupid bitch." i hear her say under her breath. Im as ready as ever to drop my bookbag and run after this girl, but Nolie stopped me.

"C'mon, you not gonna let that girl mess up your mood, are you? Don't fuck up this year, okay? Absolutely NO fights." She says.

I sigh in frustration. "Just let me deck her ONE good time." i reply.

"This is your senior year. Dana Dersham ain't worth getting suspended over."

I fake whine as Nolie and I reach our destination.

This class was gonna SUCK.

----- -----------

"Hell yeah, LUNCH TAHM!" I exclaimed, the next day in Business Class. There was 10 minutes of class left, and I was fucking starving. "You fat." Rae says, laughing. "How are you gettin excited about lunchtime?"

"I haven't eaten since 7:33 AM. I am dying over here." I reply.

Rae chuckles again. Dana lets out an annoyed sigh. I was so tired of her being an ass for no reason. I fixed my mouth to cuss her out but I decided that I'd better not. I didn't want to be held back by the teacher just because I let her get the best of me.

"Dana, chill. what is up with you?" Rae said, turning back to the front of her, where her girl was. I smirked. This girl was so jealous and bitchy and irritating, and I could see Rae was getting fed up with it.

"Ugh, I don't like- lemme shut up." Dana answered.

"Yeah, you better." I say.

"Dana, why are you starting stuff? I thought we talked about this already. Chill. Out." Rae says. She looks away from her and turns back to me. "Y'all gotta chill with this petty shit." I roll my eyes.

"Ladies and gentlemen... You need to study tonight because you're getting a quiz tomorrow."

The class groans.

The teacher, Mr. Anderson just shrugs. "It's easy. You just need to study. You groan like my tests are unfair. Turn off your TVs and cell phones and crack open your books and study for a while. It's NOT that hard. I'll know if you studied."

The bell rings and he smiles.

"Have a good rest of the day, class. You're dismissed."

-A/N Thanks for the votes, yall. Keep em coming. I want people commenting about the story also, just so I know yall are interested. I wanna know if I'm doing alright. Thanks for reading :D

(if you like this so far, check out my other two books)

Remy & Rae ( Teen LESBIAN)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ