Still Don't Like Her

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Hearing Pam's moans always made my day. Here I was, making her climax over and over again. "Oooh, babe." She said,  rubbing her pearl with one hand and gripping the sheets with another. I was giving this sex session all my best tricks, causing her to yell profanities and making it hard for her to breathe normally. I had my my index and middle finger going in and out of her, watching her make those faces I love to see- the ones filled with nothing but pleasure. I bit my lip as I tried to please her more. I couldn't lie, the way she was reacting made me hornier by the second, and my ego was LOVING this. After licking off Pam's juices, I got into one of my favorite positions, scissoring. Since Pam is scared to eat a girl out, I settle for scissoring. I know on my birthday, I'm getting head. And if she doesn't comply, then we're breakin' up. I learned this "I'm scared to eat vag; I think I wanna wait" bullshit the second time we had sex. I was annoyed by that because she practically begged me for head and I always gave it to her. That wasn't fair to me because I want a lil' licky licky, too! Right now, our moans were in sync as we both grabbed each others' boob.

"Oh, Gawwwwd." Pam drawled.

After sloppily tounging Pam down, I help her get on her stuff. I was the only resident home at the moment. My mom was at work, Ant was out job searching, and Dave was still in jail. Even though he maintains his innocence, the legals still say that he was caught with illegal drugs, after robbing them. I rolled my eyes. My brother always did stupid shit. He didn't learn a thing from our dad being locked up. I wasn't so sure that my brother was as innocent as he claimed, and neither was my mom or brother.

I walk Pam out to her car, and tell her to call me when she gets home. I give her a light kiss on the lips, and she drives off.

I go back inside. I hear my cell ring and dash upstairs to see who was calling. When I saw Rae's face, I feel a flash of guilt. I don't know why, I just did. I know we aren't dating. I guess it was because I still sort of wanted us to be dating. Good LORD, I would tear Rae's fine ass UP! Have her screaming my name and-

"Remy, you have a girlfriend already! Rae does NOT want you!" I tell myself.

Shiiiiiiit, Rae WAS testing my limits with self control but I made a commitment to Pam. I don't give a fuck how much I wanted Rae, I wasn't gonna cheat on my girlfriend. And honestly, what good would it do? She is dating Dana Dersham. We were two different people. If she wanted girls like that, there's no way she was lookin' for anyone like me. I was jolted out of my thoughts as I heard the phone ring once more. Again, Rae's face pops up. I answer it this time, trying to hide my excitement.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Let's hang. Can I come scoop you up?"

"Yeah, I ain't doin' nothin'."


I knew she was smilin' that cute smile of hers, because her voice instantly got sexier. For whatever reason, with Rae, while smiling, her voice sounded different. I might just be imagining this, though.

Rae comes over and honks. I walk over, hop in the car and dap her. "What's good?"

"I got a new game. Let's play on my ps3."

"Sounds good."

We chat the whole ride there.

"How are you and Pam?"

"We good. How you and Dana doin'?"

"We aight. Got our differences and shit, but what couple doesn't?"

"I hear you."

Found it weird that she'd ask about my relationship, but I mean... We were best friends, right? And best friends know the others' business. Right? I knew Nolie and Tia's situations. So why the fuck was I making a deal of knowing Rae's situation? That was what I wanted, right? For her to feel she could share stuff like that with me so we could become closer.

We get to Rae's house and we start playin' right away. We played COD until we got bored of it and just watched TV. Once the commercial came on, Rae and I were chatting about our favorite shows and celebrity crushes and shit. We could keep a conversation going about anything and I loved that!

"I would give my left boob to get just an hour to be in a room with Megan Fox. Good God, that woman is beautiful."

"I lust after her, too. Guess we gotta share." She says, biting her lip. Now, if I didn't know any better, I'd think she was flirting with me.

I believe I'm starting to get Rae to like me.even more than she already does.

I stare back at her with the same lustful expression.

After a minute passes of silence, both of us snap out of our trance when we hear a knock at the door. It was rapid and loud. Rae goes to the door and I stare at her ass.

"Remy. Stop it." I say to myself. I don't fucking listen.

I see Dana fucking Dersham in the middle of the living room looking at me with disapproval.

"Raven, why is she here? Are yall messin' around?"

"Babe, calm down. She's my friend."

"I don't like her here wit you."

"This is my house though."

"I don't care. If I don't fuck with somebody, YOU don't fuck with somebody."

"Bitch, who are you?" I say, shooting up outta my seat. I walk over to where Dana is standing and get in her face. Rae is holding me back, but I'm still close enough to her to seethe the following sentences:

"I am tired of yo stupid ass always saying slick shit. I don't give a fuck if you like me. I am friends with your girlfriend. Im always gon be around. Get used to it"

"Rae, you gon' let her talk to me like that?"

I mimicked her. "Goddamn, it's only been a month and you're already becoming possessive! I wish you would've waited a whole month to try to control me!"

"What?" Rae says, completely confused.

"I warned you, Rae. She's poison. I told you I knew the girl better than she knew herself." I said, then I walk out of the house. If I didn't, I am not sure that Dana would still be alive right now. Irritated, I pull out my cellphone, plug in my earphones and play music. I was walking home to try and calm myself down. I'm so disgusted that I used to date that girl. Ugh!!!

Remy & Rae ( Teen LESBIAN)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ