Pam or Rae?

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A knock comes at my door. In walks Rae. "Hey, uh.... your mom called me over to check on you."

I rolled my eyes at the dark television screen.

"So.... if she hadn't called, you wouldn't have visited me...?" I ask, extra annoyed.

"Well actually.... she didn't. I lied... I needed an excuse. "

We both chuckled and I made room for her on my bed. The room was dark, so all I did was listen for her footsteps.

"Rem, why are you so down?" she asks.

"My mom just said the most jacked up thing ever."

Rae takes her shoes off and lays next to me in bed.

"Ah, what did she say?"

"She said 'I have a boy in jail, a boy with a gambling problem and a gay daughter'."

I scrunch my face up in disgust. "Here was I, thinking my mom really had no issues with me liking girls but.." I trailed off.

"That's fucked up, but you gotta understand that she doesn't have to accept that about you."

"Rae, how could you even say that? YES, she does."

Rae sighs, and I felt her move her arm to run her hands through her dreads.

"Don't dwell on it, Rem. It'll fuck with you. You gotta take it on the chin."

"I can't NOT dwell on it. My mom hates me."

"Ugh, Remy. Your mom doesn't hate you. Chill. You're depressing as fuck. Turn on the TV."

"Welll EXCUSE me!" I say, reaching blindly for the remote control. I accidentally touched Rae's "spot" because she moaned. I laughed. "My bad," I say. I finally find the remote and turn on the TV. I look back at Rae and smile. "Thanks for talking to me. I missed you being in here. I ain't had a friend over-- before you-- in a while." It was true. Tia hasn't been here since October and Nolie -- last June. My mom thought they were trouble so she stopped letting them come over.

"You're welcome," Rae said, still recovering from my touch. I know she hates herself for liking it. She was spread eagle in basketball shorts. When I asked her why she was sitting like that, she said it made her feel comfortable. She doesn't know what I would do to make her feel more comfortable (creepy smile) .


The next day at school, I was hugged up on Pam, while she was telling me something about her parents. I wasn't paying that much attention because I saw Rae and Dana holding hands, walking over to me. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Rae smiles at me. "Wassup, Remy? Yo, you ready for gym?" She asks. "Hell no." I say, sternly. Rae laughed because she knew I was gonna hate gym class today. Today we had to climb ropes. I'm the most un-athletic "stud" ever. I am not a fan of any sport.

Dana cracks a fake smile at me. "D, my girl is RIGHT here. Don't be flirting, " I say, joking-- hoping I pissed her off.

"Look, Bummy. Not today, man. I'm trying to be civil."

"I'm not." I say, dismissing her. "Rae, I'll see you in gym. Bye, Dan." I say.

I walk off, holding Pam's hand. We walk off to her classroom, when I give her a peck on the cheek. "Babe. I don't like it when you kiss me in public. It's weird." Pam says. I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Have a good day." I went to my class annoyed. I understand not wanting to make out in public, I don't like that, either. All i wanted to do was give her a peck on the cheek. I headed to first period visibly pissed off when I saw Nolie and Tia waiting for me.

"Dang, who got you frownin'?"

Tia asks.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine." I say, knowing all I want to do is talk to someone.

"No you're not. I can see it on your face."

"Yeah, we know something is makin' you upset. You can tell us anything. " Nolie adds.

"Thanks, but--" I begin.

"Spill." Nolie says firmly. I roll my eyes.

"Fine. It's Pam. She keeps... pushing me away."

I start to fidget with my pencil.

"You know how many people want her, Remy? You think she'll stop entertaining them with her cooch just 'cause you think she's committed? "

Tia asked. I rolled my eyes. "Yes. Yes, I Do."

"If that was the case, she wouldn't be so afraid to show PDA, then."

"I don't think that's the problem because honestly, I don't like major PDA either. Here's the thing, all I wanted to do was peck her on the CHEEK. Not have sex in the middle of the floor."

Nolie and Tia chuckle.

"Pam isn't the type for relationships. That's what she's always told me." Nolie chimes. "If she didn't tell YOU , something's wrong here. "

"She did tell me."

"So, what the fuck?!"

"NOLIE! ¡LA IDIOMA!" Mrs. Early shouts.

"English, bitch!" Nolie spits back.

I sigh audibly.

"Why are you on her so bad now? I thought you liked-- OHHHHHHHH." Tia quips.

"Oh, what?" I inquire.

"Rae doesn't like you, huh?"

"She said she doesn't. Not romantically, anyway. Why? She has nothing to do with this. I am with Pam."

"You weren't on her like that before Rae came around." Nolie says, smirking.

"I'd be mad if you were correct, but you're not." I press my lips together tightly.

"I've always been on Pam. I just didn't cuff. She wasn't willing to cuff anyone before me." I say.

Nolie and Tia are smirking their asses off. Tia looks to Nolie and whispers "That's because you weren't tryna give up the cookies."

They both fall out laughing.

"Mannnn, whatever." I say, finally starting my work.


Remy & Rae ( Teen LESBIAN)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt