"Well, Sarah is an amazing daughter. She is great with the boys and she's always trying to make sure we are all happy. She video chats the boys and Gen all the time when she's with me when I'm filming and she means a lot to our whole family."

"Jared is the world's best father. He treats me like I've been in his family since birth. He's not around a lot when he's filming but he always finds a way to make it up to me. He loves me unconditionally and I'm proud to be his daughter." The questions kept coming all for Jared and I. We were getting low on time and Jensen hadn't gotten a question since before I told everyone who I was. "Does anyone have a question for Jensen? He's had hardly any questions. I'm not here to take the spotlight." A couple people in line raised their hands. "Can we let them ask their questions and then get back to Jared and I's? We have time for 6 more questions. 3 more Jensen and 3 more for Jared or me. Please." They let the Jensen questions up to the front and everything worked smoothly. We went backstage after and Jensen pulled me aside.

"What was that for? People wanted to ask you questions. It was fine."

"It's not fair to you or the people wanting to ask you questions. You deserve to get asked questions more than I do. You're the regular character." I explained.

"You didn't have to. Thanks though."

"Of course. Love you Jensen."

"Love you too." Just then I heard a voice I recognized.

"Sarah?" A girl came backstage led by a security guard.

"Hey." I replied happily.

"Do you know her?" The guard asked.

"Yeah. She's a friend. I didn't know you were gonna be here." She gave me a hug.

"I can't believe that's what's really going on between you two and how that happened. I can't believe she really thought you were sleeping with Jared." She chuckled. It was pretty stupid.

"Hey, I think I know someone who is going to want to say hi to you." I led her over to Misha. "Misha, look who came. Don't worry, she's on the good side. She knew nothing was going on." He gave her a hug.

"How've you been doing since the competition?"

"Pretty good. Finishing up high school. Coming to a convention when I have enough money. The usual."

"Good. Glad you're doing ok."

"Um. If it's not too much to ask especially since I spent a week with you guys, but could I get an autograph and a picture? I can't afford to buy the ticket to do that." She asked shyly.

"Yeah of course. I'm sure the other guys would too if you asked." She nodded excitedly. They took their picture and she got her autograph. I walked with her over to Jensen who didn't appear to be doing anything.

"Hey Jensen. This friend of mine was wondering if you would mind giving her an autograph and a picture. She can't afford to buy them."

"Normally, I would say yes, but Sarah, you can't let people walk all over you and get you to give them what they want. People are gonna try to use you for stuff like that now that they know who you are to us."

"Jensen, she's not-"

"No." I pulled out my phone and texted Jensen since he wouldn't let me talk.

She was on the competition and she warned me someone would try to claim I was sleeping with Jared. Quit being a jerk.

He pulled out his phone, read the text, then turned around and came back over. "Jensen, she just wants a picture and an autograph. She brought her own picture for you to sign. Cut her some slack." I snapped. He nodded.

"Sorry. I forgot you were on the competition." He told her.

"It's ok. You and I didn't talk much." They got their picture and autograph.

"Hey, Jared's over there. Just tell him how you know me and that you're the one who warned us. I need to talk to Jensen." She nodded and went over there. "Jensen, what was that all about?"

"I don't know. Just you're getting really popular and kinda famous and I've seen people try to use cast members to get to us. I don't want you getting hurt or have people walk all over you." He told me.

"Are you jealous that people were asking me more questions than you?"

"Not jealous, but I think it's a little strange. You were in one episode and they're acting like you've been in it since season 1." He replied.

"It's because I'm closer to their age. I started out as a fan and now I'm a part of his family. I used to be one of them so they connect with me more. No one is walking all over me. If I wasn't good friends with her, I wouldn't have let her back here. You can trust me you know."

"Don't lecture me on trust. You have no right." He walked off. I sighed.

Family Doesn't End in Blood, But it Doesn't Start There EitherWhere stories live. Discover now