VI. Her Crimson Dress

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 He chuckled. "Want a ride?"


He opened the car and she entered. The car started softly and moved smoothly. 'He drives well', she thought. Too bad she'd have to wait for at least half a year before she gets her own car.

"So, where're we going?" Earl asked Alice, his eyes fixed on the road.

Alice was still looking outside, her raven locks flowing behind her. She simply said "Center Mall," with the slightest grudge on Kate for making her end the day with Earl.

Uncomfortable silence flowed between them. Alice took this as a chance to ask the one question that has been bothering her all this time.

"Who's your date for prom?" She asked, straight forwardly. She wasn't the type to use euphemisms.

Earl furrowed his brows and turned to face Alice. "Date?"

Alice also turned quizzical and told him, "Aya told me you have a date. And I was wondering on why you didn't tell me about the lucky girl. I mean, as your best friend and all."

He cocked his head slightly to the right and cracked a smile.

So cute.

"Why? Jealous?"

Alice raised an eyebrow and told him another straight forward sentence. Except this time, it was a downright lie."No, of course not. Why would I be?"

"You seem to be denying it a bit too much." He pointed out. But he continued, "None."

"None?" She was confused.

"You asked me about my date for prom. I don't have one."

"Yeah, right. Of all the girls who've asked you, none caught your interest?"

"No." Alice could feel that he wasn't lying with this one, so she decided to drop the topic.

They sped up for a few miles until they reached the Center Mall. Alice was caught up in the topic of his date that she remained in her seat, not knowing that the car has already stopped.

"Aren't you going?"

That snapped Alice out of her thoughts. "Oh, yeah. Thanks for the ride by the way." She said and smiled. She went out of  the car and looked back just to see his car moving farther away from her sight.

Right. Now, to find Kate.

Finding Kate wasn't much of a hard job. Since she was the only one waiting in front of the entrance. And besides, she was the only one along with a kid. The kid had Kate's brown eyes, auburn hair, and ivory skin. Alice guessed that this was her little brother. But then, she decided to play along.

She neared them and turned her face into that of a confused one. "Hey Kate, you never told me you were a mom already!" She exclaimed.

Kate laughed and playfully smacked Alice's shoulder. "This is Karl."

Yes, Karl. That's the name of her three year old brother.

But Alice still played stupid. "So... who's the father?"

Kate laughter died out, her lips curved down into a frown, and she glared at Alice. Alice, on the other hand, pretending not to know the danger she has gotten herself in, just laughed to break the tension.

"Took the babysitting job?"

"He wanted to tag along."

*       *       *

Alice was tired. She felt like a mannequin. But Kate never seemed to get tired of it at all. She'd have placed a thousand different dresses and gowns on her and never wear out of giving comments.

"I've tried on like... a hundred different clothes. And nothing suits your taste. Is this really necessary?" I asked.

"Of course it is. And besides, you haven't tried on a hundred. According to my list... only ninety-eight." Kate replied while flipping the notebook with a list of all the dresses she wore.

She actually listed all of those down?.

Hearing the last comment, Alice slouched on the chair. "Ninety-eight? And hear I was, thinking that I was just exaggerating." She whispered to herself.

"What was that?" Kate asked while rummaging through the dress rack... again.

"Explain to me why I have to go through all this and you just get to sit there watching me? I mean, don't you have to pick a dress as well?" Alice was getting tired of this.

"No. I've gotten one chosen out already on... like, the start of classes." Of course. When it comes to things like proms, Kate's always the first to get ready. And to Alice, that was the only downside of having her as a friend.

Proms. Dresses. Gowns. Pink frilly things. Shining golden tiarras. Dark red lipsticks. At least Kate knew better than to apply these.

"Perfect." Kate said.

"Don't tell me another one?"

"The ninety-ninth. And if all goes well, possibly the last." She told her with a grin plastered onto her face.

That got Alice alive. Last? Well, I guess something got her attention.

Kate threw a crimson dress onto my arm, and I entered the fitting area. As Alice wore the dress, she thought of what Earl confessed a while back.

Does that mean he lied to Aya? But, why would he do such a thing?

Did he do that to get Aya to lay-off from him? Impossible. They act like lovebirds.

But then does that mean he lied to me? No – we have a bond I’m sure he doesn’t want to break. Or... does he?

Ugh, I'm confused. Let's just get over this anyway.

Alice stepped out of the changing room and allowed Kate to inspect her. The latter didn’t speak for a while, but looked at her from a hundred different angles. Then she simply said one word to get Alice excited. “Perfect.”

She took a look at the full-body mirror and thought, Who was I to criticize Kate’s fashion sense? She was right. Perfect.

Alice scrutinized the dress. It fit her perfectly - accentuating her feminine shape. It was a strapless balloon dress that ended just above her knees, emphasizing her flawless skin.

She softly grabbed a handful of bright red cloth near her thighs which she guessed was silk. She released it and looked back at the mirror. Is this really me?

She twirled around felt its lightness. It had no intricate floral designs. It simply had multiple layers of overlapping silk and satin below the black ribbon.

This is what she'd quote, simplicity is beauty.

"It's... perfect."

Alice was dazzled by its beauty. Then, after a moment of silence,

"Pwincess!" Karl said.

Oh, I almost forgot that he's here.

Alice slowly approached Karl and kneeled in front of him. As she patted his soft brown hair, he said,

"Beeti-ful pwincess!"


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