IV. Her Hatred against Fate

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IV. Her Hatred against Fate

Kate’s eyes widened. Then smiled. “Don’t worry Alice. No matter where you are, we’re still best friends, right?”

Alice smiled as well. “Yeah.”

When the two were finished with their meals, they started walking to their study hall. But they stopped walking when they noticed a crowd.

“Hey. What’s that about?” Alice asked Kate.

“Dunno. It wasn’t there when we passed by a while ago. Let’s check it out.”

The pair moved towards the crowd. And like reflex action, they made an aisle way for them. She always hated this attention. It was like they were worshipping their queen or something. She knew that without her outer beauty and riches, they wouldn’t bother doing this. And the thought annoyed her.

Still, she considered the reflex useful, for she never liked hanging out in crowds. It reminded her of the crowds of reporters who always managed to find out secrets and private conversations.

She stared what was in front of her. It was a poster. It had the picture of the interior of their ballroom building decorated with white flowers. And it had a caption that said, ‘Promenade 2011, twelve days to go’.

‘Decision? Not going.’ She told herself.

She looked at Kate and gave her an Are-you-going? look.

“What? Are you insane? Of course I am going.” She replied, while they were climbing the stairs. “And you are coming with me.”

“Me? Why?”

“Ugh. You have thirteen days to go Alice. Carpe Diem. Cherish every moment you have. And what do you know? Maybe he’ll ask you.”

“Yeah. I bet he will. When the world falls apart.”

“You know what?”


“You are getting more and more pessimistic by the second.” Kate commented.


“See? Pessimism is affecting your choices.”

“Ugh. Fine. I’ll go. Whatever you say.” She replied indifferently, not at all taking into heart what she said.

And with that, they entered their study hall and once again, began listening to boring lectures.


The bell rang. It was dismissal and everyone was rushing to get home fast, to avoid teachers along the way, and open the net.

Alice picked up her bag and said a good bye to Kate. Unlike the others, she slowly walked towards the gate, not wanting to spend the rest of the day alone in her... err, house..? Well, actually, mansion is the right word for it.

She easily caught a cab and directed it to her neighborhood. Not directly to her house, but only to her neighborhood. Why, you ask? Well, no one would act like it’s normal for a younger 17 year old teenager to live alone in a house much larger than theirs, would they?

She paid the cab and went in her house. She quickly threw her bag at the couch, and plopped herself down at the sofa. Her laptop was already prepared there, since that was one of her only requests to her maids. Emphasis on the s – maids, not maid.

She was already used to using the touch pad, so she opened her yahoo messenger, not really in the mood for Facebook.

Username: MischievousNeko

Password: *************

She quickly scanned her contact list for anyone online, but someone found her first.

FayeLockhart sent you a video call request. Accept, decline?

Alice simply clicked decline like it was no big deal, and typed through the chat box.

MischievousNeko: What’s up?

FayeLockhart: ANNOYING MUCH!

MischievousNeko: Oh. Well, I’m not really in the mood to video call right now.

FayeLockhart: Ugh, not that. It’s about him.

MischievousNeko: Earl?

FayeLockhart: Yeah.

MischievousNeko: What happened?

FayeLockhart: I asked him if he wanted to go to the prom with me.

MischievousNeko: So bold. Ahaha.

FayeLockhart: ...

MischievousNeko: Oh, sorry. Well, there’re a lot more guys in this world, you know.

FayeLockhart: There’s this girl.

MischievousNeko: ...What?

FayeLockhart: Okay, so I told you about asking him to the prom, right?

MischievousNeko: Yeah, so?

FayeLockhart: He actually told me that he already has a date.

MischievousNeko: Really? Who is it?

FayeLockhart: Ugh. That’s what’s annoying. I DON’T KNOW. He wouldn’t tell me.

MischievousNeko: ...Guess you have a rival then. Ha-ha.

FayeLockhart: Rrriiiiiigghhht.

MischievousNeko: *chuckle. Yeah. So, why you tellin’ about me this?

FayeLockhart: Cause you’re his best friend?

MischievousNeko: ...What does that have to do with anything?

FayeLockhart: Well, I wanna know who the girl is... Help me, will ya?

MischievousNeko: Couldn’t I get a simple please?

FayeLockhart: ......Please?

MischievousNeko: With a cherry on top?

FayeLockhart: ... What the? Hey, you sure you’re Alice? Alice Irene Blair?

MischievousNeko: Whatever.

FayeLockhart: So...??

MischievousNeko: ...Fine.

FayeLockhart: OMG. Thank you sooo much!!!

MischievousNeko: Yeah, yeah. Whatever.

FayeLockhart: Mum’s calling. Bye.

MischievousNeko: See ya.

FayeLockhart has logged out.

Alice was annoyed. Aggravated. Irritated.

“Ugh. Why does this have too happen? Aya was my only rival. And then, there’s more?” Alice told herself. Well, not really rival. Just... you know.

“Does fate have no mercy?” She barely whispered while plopping her head down at the pillow. Holding it tightly, she shouted against it.


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