Into the Storm.

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Slowly he removes his finger from the trigger. I act calm although I'm not. In reality I am near death.
He blinks and takes a device out as my eyes start too roll back.

I begin too black out.

His hand grasps my waist and jolts me upward. He must of needed too breathe, yet his gasp is small and inaudible like most things.
He thrusts my arm around reaching for my neck as I struggle to regain full conscisousness, and awareness. He thrusts a needle into my artery. At this point all I can think of is my finale moments.

I am not dead, not yet. I'm not going to fight though, I see not one point. He has a gun at my stomach...

He drops his gun. He pulls me into the dark softly.
His hazel eyes meet mine, his breath is deeply drunken. His hair is dark with mud and skin is tan. The shadows highlight the circles under his eyes; signifying loss of sleep.

"Go ahead." I tell him.

"Go ahead?" He asks.

"Yes; if your going too shoot me you minus well do it quick." I speak.

"I can't shoot you darling..."

"You sure look like you can." I studder now, I'd rather face a levelheaded enemy then a drunk "Ali".

"Just trust me."

"Just trust you! I don't even know you!!! How am I supposed t...."
He pulls me into a kiss, I couldn't help but feel guilty even though he kissed me.
"What are you doing!" I whisper loudly.
"I have an boyfriend. An amazing, wonderful, honest, kindhearted boyfriend and I'm not about to cheat."
"I know" he says.

"How do YOU know? I ask.
He's only known me for five minutes. How could he possibly know?

"I know you better then you'd think."

"Go ahead."
I smirk half expecting him too studder, except he doesn't; actually he does the exact opposite.

"Your name is Rosaline Skai."

"Anyone can get my name..." I say, in reality I'm trying to figure out how he knows me.
He speaks softly and deeply.

"Your favorite food is tacos, your favorite color is black or red because, they're deep colors. Also, before you joined the military, you were depressed and attempted suicide."

"How can you possibly know that!"
He covers my mouth, but this time I bite his hand.
"You're trying to make me trust you." "You're against me!"
He grabs my waist forcefully, and pulls me too him. Grabbing my face he stares into my eyes... Slowly he pulls me into a kiss.
This time I don't fight it. I kiss him right back.

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