Silent Screams.

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I manage to pull my body into the pond...
Taking the long way wasn't my first choice, but it more or less was my only choice. The shorter way is completely uncovered. In my condition running is out of the question; it more then likely is impossible too do so without compromising myself.

Now that my trail of blood doesn't follow me anymore, I feel safer.
Safer, not safe. But then again nobody's safe on the battlefeild.

"One, two, three."
I move the branches and bristles, and lay my bloody jacket over the leaves too minimize the crunching sound.
The water is dark, this should conceal me well enough. Softly, I take my jacket and sink down.

I have too move fast knowing the footsteps are coming up fast. He, she, it, hasn't found me yet. I still put up a fight.
The water comes up too my neck but, I move back farther, until the water ripples I make cannot be seen.

"I know that she's here. She's one of them." "I never said the chick had brains but, she's decent at hide n seek." I smirk at that comment.

I can hear the footsteps around me. My heart pounds through my chest as he steps past me. He wears the biggest, stupidest, grin on his face. Can he hear my breath? Can he sense my fear?
The "cave" is dark and most of his footsteps are inaudible. I can only hope he doesn't see me.
I don't have too look up too know he's litterally right above me. Our only barrier is the upsettingly thin amount of rock above me and the water surrounding me. He steps into the water now; I hold my breath and sink but bubbles excape my lips and I shudder.
He looks down but, the water is too dark too see.
I slowly move towards the wall but brush his leg. He confusingly looks down into the water, now he dunks himself and his weapon.
I see the moment now, the moment I die.
"No" I tell myself. "I promised Jay I'd come back home too him. I promised him we wouldn't loose each other while I was in combat."
I snake my hand on his mouth (as if he could scream,) and press my index finger to my lips....
He firmly holds his gun at my stomach.

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