Chapter 12 - Gaol

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I wasn't long home when I received a knock at the door. I looked through the peephole expecting to see Reggie or some other person whom I would have to act like Cherry to, but I saw two Policeman.

"Hello Cherry, this is Sergeant Steven Jones and I am Constable David Riley. You are under arrest on suspicion of multiple murders of your late husband's."

"No, I was found not guilty in a court of law."

"I have new evidence and this time you won't have your friend to bail you out" said Sergeant Jones.

"Please turn around so we can cuff you while we search your house for potential murder weapons" said Constable Riley. They then showed me that they had a search warrant signed that day and it had all the official headers to prove its authenticity. The officers led me around my house while they riffled through Cherry's things for any evidence. They came across a safe in the back of the wardrobe in the bedroom and asked me to open it. It had a combination and a key. I instructed the Officer to get the key from Cherry's handbag and fortunately he found the right key before I had to fumble my way through pretending to know. Once the key was in the lock I guessed the combination as the same she had used on the phone and the laptop. I was in luck, or so I thought. In the safe the officers found a Glock and some official documents.

"Do you have a licence for this firearm?" said Sergeant Jones.

"It should be in the safe with it" I said hoping to hell it was.

"Oh yes here it is" he said. "Unfortunately I will have to suspend your licence and confiscate this weapon due to the seriousness of your charges."

"Yes of course officer, when can I see a lawyer?"

"First we're taking you into custody and for questioning, hold your horses" said Sergeant Jones. Constable Riley looked at the Sergeant funny and I thought that it odd that they would question me before I spoke with my lawyer. It was humiliating to be put in the back of a Police car for the second time within only a few days and this time the neighbours had come out on their lawns to watch.

Back at the Police station I was put into a cell with two other inmates. Constable Riley brushed up against my skin as he took the cuffs off so I used the opportunity to partially possess him. Now I felt very divided as in my conscious I had awareness through Todd's eyes, through Nanny C's eyes and through this Police officer's eyes. I rummaged around in the officers consciousness and found that his colleague Sergeant Jones, had come up with new evidence that had allowed a magistrate to write the search warrant and the arrest warrant. I wasted no time and had Constable Riley go to the evidence stores and view the case against Cherry. They had a signed confession from me, however something about it wasn't right, it looked to have been written too carefully. I began to suspect a frame job. In the notes I also saw that Sergeant Jones had taken the grimoire from Cherry's car and put it into his vest. Constable Riley thought this was odd because it broke the chain of evidence but he did not want to question his superior who could be hot headed at times. Just as I was getting Constable Riley to turn to go and find Sergeant Jones and the book I was met by a detective.

"Constable Riley, were you just collecting that evidence for me to go over before we question Miss Razor?" I let Constable Riley take over and watched through his eyes as he responded.

"Um, yes, that must be what I'm doing here, nevermind."

"Are you alright Constable?"

"No, I'm feeling odd, but I'll be fine." there were unhelpful side effects to this possession business.

"All right well take care of yourself, it's unlike you so if you need time take it."

"Yes, Detective Inspector Brown, thank you." so that was who was heading up the case against me.

A Man in a Woman's Body:  The Story of a Habentem #Wattys2016 #JustWriteItWhere stories live. Discover now