Chapter 4 - The switch

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I arrived early at Cherry's place with a six pack of rum and coke cans and some flowers. I felt like the smiling assassin as I knocked on her door, even though I still hadn't decided for sure whether I was going to steal her body. Nor indeed did I know if I would be able to achieve the trick.

"Oh good you're here already, I just threw this on." she was wearing a red slip that was very revealing. She motioned for me to enter and I produced the flowers and drinks as I did.

"You look amazing!" I didn't have to act that.

"Thanks" she said and held her skirt tails swaying slightly side to side.

"So what are we eating tonight?" I said.

"Who knows she" says with a cheeky grin "come sit down, do you drink red or white wine?" she took the flowers and the rum and coke from my hands and pointed to the lounge for me to sit down. Her tiled entry led into a sunken lounge room overlooked by a large open kitchen and this all looked out onto an indoor swimming pool. The house was furnished tastefully in a modern minimalistic style with the colours nicely balanced in reds, blacks and whites.

"Your house is beautiful" I said.

"Thanks, I am very particular and I don't like anyone telling me how it should be. Now White or red?"

"White thanks, tell me what do you like to do with your time besides walking the neighbor's dog?" I sank back into the black leather lounge and leaned against a large red cushion.

"Oh this and that" she said evasively "but tell me why a man wearing a rolex drives a cheap convertible?" this made me think I'd lost the game again.

"The MX-5 might be cheap but it is better than it's competitors in every respect."

"What do you mean?" she said.

"Well other car companies bought out competing models which have continually changed to try and keep up with the MX-5, however the MX-5 didn't have to change because it was designed right the first time. So you see it might be cheaper but it is the best choice."

"I like a thinker."

"Thanks. What do you drive?"

"Just an old holden."

"Oh yea what kind?"

"I'll just keep that to myself until I know you better. I don't want you judging me."

"It's just a car!" I said surprised after her questioning me as to my choice of wheels.

"No it isn't, cars say a lot about a person."

"So you don't want to reveal everything about yourself?"

"I'm not good at trusting."

"Okay, let's mark that off as a topic for later."

As the night wore on, we spoke about a lot of things and I was sure to drop the names of rich local people I knew, to which her ears often pricked up. Meaningless conversation ensued until I plucked up the courage to ask her about her ex-husbands.

"Cherry, tell me how a beautiful young woman like yourself can get through to this point in life without there being a Mr Razor?"

"Well for a start you can tell me how you know my surname?"

"Oh I googled this address and your name came up."

"Do you google all your dates?"

"I don't often have them but yes I do, and your question was why is there no Mr Razor?"

A Man in a Woman's Body:  The Story of a Habentem #Wattys2016 #JustWriteItWhere stories live. Discover now