Chapter 10 - The Show

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Wednesday morning came and I was excited to be spending the day with my kids for their pupil free day in lieu of the local show. Matilda agreed to let me take the kids to the show and told me she would give them twenty dollars cash each for me to hand out as I saw appropriate. I was up early and went to the ATM to see if I could use Cherry's keycard, even though she still had cash in her purse I wanted to see if I could get money out. Luckily her pin was the same as that on her phone. So I got out a couple of hundred dollars to add to that in her purse because I knew what Matilda offered wouldn't go far. I arrived early and the kids were excited and ready to go. I walked in the door and Matilda was frazzled as usual in the mornings.

"Hi Cherry, see you've got practical clothes on for the day, that's good!" I was wearing Cherry's best exercise gear and sneakers because other than that nearly everything else was high heels and dresses which wasn't going to work at the show.

"Yes I'm dressed for practicality today Matilda."

"I hope you're ready for a big day. You've got my mobile number so call me if you need anything alright?"

"We'll be fine Matilda I have one eye to glue on each child." I grinned at my own pun but humor was lost on her and she gave me an awkward look. Just then Max bounded around the corner looking excited..

"Cherry can I go on the dodgem cars?" said Max.

"If your sister and I go in another car." I said excitedly as Penny came around the corner.

"Alright I've got to go now, bye, you both be good for Cherry like we talked about. I'll see you this afternoon. Love you!" said Matilda to the kids. The kids did not reply as they often didn't when asked to acknowledge their love for her.

"Now I hope you don't mind riding in my car?" I said to the kids.

"Wow I didn't notice that before! What is it?" said Penny.

"It's an FJ holden with a custom motor."

"Do you mean it's a hotrod?" Max asked.

"Well I guess so yea."

"That is so awesome!" said Penny.

"Alright have you got your things ready to go?"

"Yea, we're all ready" said Max as he bounced on his heels in anticipation.

"Okay let's go!"

"Bags front!" shouted Penny.

"Sorry Penny you're not old enough to sit in the front. Max rides shotgun until your Mum says it's okay for you."

"Oh!" the kids were quite on the trip to the showground other than the occasional 'wow' as they marvelled at the immaculate interior of Cherry's car.

We started in the petting zoo and then the kids had a great time on the bouncing castle. Max and Penny had a go of the clowns where you put the balls in their mouth and won a teddy each that I found surprisingly awkward to carry with Cherry's lesser strength than what I was used to. We went on the dodgem cars and the kids had a great time. I had to say no to the round-up because I knew it would make them sick after their lunch and their money was drying up. I had already planned to buy their show bags out of my money.

"Cherry can I go on a horse ride?" said Penny with puppy dog eyes and I crumbled.

"Okay kids, but we're on my money now so not too much before we have to go home, okay?"

"Really, wow" said Penny "thanks Cherry you're the best!" said Max and for a moment I saw my old happy kids again.

Next we went on the ferris wheel, I thought I'd get the potentially vomit worthy rides out of the way before lunch. I was wrong there, Max threw up and I ended up using my red cardigan to clean him up.

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