Tagged by @crazyCassie101

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I've been tagged by crazyCassie101. 14 facts about myself.

1. I am a total bookworm and nerd. I read almost all the time.

2. According to MasterYoda540, I am obsessed with Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus. And it's true. I'm a super fangirl.

3. When I was about nine, I was obsessed with Harry Potter (I still am, but not as much)-- it was literally all I would read. My parents looked for some other books for me to read. They talked to people whose kids loved Harry Potter, and one of them suggested Percy Jackson. That's been my obsession for the past 3 years.

4. My first "stories" were 4-page skits with barely any plot line when I was in first grade. I wrote an 11-page story about a ballerina (second grade girls' interests) in second grade for a writing contest on PBS kids. I was pretty proud of myself, especially because I'd written a 13-sentence paragraph in it. One tiny problem. The maximum number words was 250. Mine was about a thousand. (I scoff at that now, considering in my current stories my chapters are about 1000 words each.) I cut it down to fit the limit and basically fit on one page with literally no plot line, but I still have the original version.

5. I've written 2 HoO fanfictions but no HP fanfictions yet but I probably will sometime.

6. I attend Hogwarts-themed summer camp in Worcester, MA. And it's the best camp ever!!!! I'll elaborate on that in a later chapter.

7. My family is really into music. I do violin, piano and voice. I recently went to a musical overnight camp. It was really fun.

8. My group of friends on Wattpad is just about the same as that in real life. We're super fangirls.

9. I live in the US, and the only countries I've been to other than the US are Canada and Panama. I've never been off north America.

10. Grass seeds in your hair do not feel good. I speak from experience.

11. I ship my friends sometimes.

12. I am in complete support of the LGBT+ community and I know multiple people in that community who are some of the BEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. DON'T INSULT THEM OR ELSE.

13. I've dressed up as 3 different PJO/HoO characters, none of them for Halloween. Thalia, Piper and Leo. (Gods, his hairstyle was hard to do. It would be a lot easier if I had short hair and bangs. I don't have either.)

14. I started to read the HP books when I was about 6. I finished when I was about 9-10.

Tags: Idk how many people to tag so I'll just do 14.


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