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A lot of people do a page on this, so here goes. My pet peeves.

Annoying people who distract you at school

Mostly boys, no offense boys. I want to learn stuff at school (most of the time), and people who slow everyone else down are jerks.

People who clap too loudly

Clapping is supposed to be a compliment. If you are having a contest like who can clap the loudest, who is the last one to stop clapping, etc, it drives me crazy.

People saying it's stupid to read a book over and over

*Cough*cough*Grandma*cough*cough* I didn't say anything. I like reading books more than once, you get a lot more out of it.

People who wave their arms around in the audience of a concert

Have you ever been onstage singing into a microphone, and a bunch of people in the audience start waving their arms around? It's annoying, impolite, and distracting. I've been in that position twice.

Songs: He Man, Friday, Caillou

Songs that are super annoying.

Songs that play e v e r y  s i n g l e  d a y  on the radio

Bad Blood, Sorry, Wildest Dreams, Hello, Cheerleader, Story of My Life. Songs I have heard WAY too many times.

Songs that are annoying, stuck in your head, and won't get out

I often have one song stuck in my head the entire day, and when I hate the song, it drives me crazy.

Cliffhangers at the end of chapters/books

Rick. Riordan. Mark of Athena. Drives. Me. CRAZYYYYYYY

When I find my chromebook/phone is not charged in the morning

When my mouse is left on

The current president of the US-- 2016

People who are extremely clingy/stalker-ish

example: texts you every day (good morning/night when you haven't been talking), follows you around at school, etc.

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