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Another peeve: HAVING SOCCER IN THE RAIN. I have had soccer practice in the pouring rain before. Once we had to end practice 30 minutes early, and we hung out in the coach's car until our parents came. It was kinda fun actually. Once I had a game where it started to rain right after the game ended and I had a sweatshirt without a hood, so I tied it around my neck and over my head like a hood. The New Makeshift Raincoat/Hood/Chador.

...yeah. I hate wet soccer practices. The day after that, we had a game where it was not rainy but the field was wet and we were all wet and covered with dirt and grass. That wasn't very fun either... I tripped and rolled over, deflected the ball with my knee, deflected the ball with my other knee, had it hit my elbow, got my foot stepped on, etc., all in the same game... so that ended up with 2 hurt knees, one hurt foot, one hurt elbow, and hard to breathe for an hour. (Idk why! I don't have asthma!)

Yeah. Soccer is annoying sometimes...

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