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Ari's POV

After the movie...

Jacob and I were walking hand in hand home.

 "Ari." He said looking at me. "Yeah." i replied. "It kills me to ask you. But, would you really not mind if i left for tour." He said looking at me with a worried expression on his face. "Jacob. You have to meet the people that support you each and everyday. Of course i don't mind."

"Ok. I'm just making sure." He said and kissed my cheek. 


"I love you. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. See you tomorrow." I hugged him and opened the front door.

He waved. I waved back.

Jacob's POV

I'm leaving for tour in two weeks. I'm going to miss her. So so so so much. I need to text her.

Me: Hey 

Ari: Hiii

Me: So umm I'm leaving for tour in two weeks...

Ari: Oh cool...

Me: I love you. Sleep tight princess.

Ari: Night...

She seems hurt :// I didn't mean to have that effect on her.

Ari's POV

Wow. He's leaving me in two weeks. But i love him. SO much. I don't want to be without him for 3 months. I feel like I'm making his life harder. I don't want to restrain him.

I felt a tear roll down my ice-cold cheeks.

I saw Jacob's bedroom light on. Then it turned off. I tossed and turned in my bed. I can't sleep :// if only Jacob was here. My phone buzzed. 

Jacob: I can't sleep.

Me: me 2

Jacob: unlock your balcony door

Me: it already is

Jacob: Ill be right over

Jacob's coming :) 

I heard a light knock at my balcony door and it opened.

I jumped out of bed and hugged jacob. 

(That pic is how Ari hugged him except the kissing part lol)

(That pic is how Ari hugged him except the kissing part lol)

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"Why are you being so loving?" Jacob questioned. I could tell he was smiling. "Well, I only have two weeks with you."

"Good reason." He laughed and put me down. 

Our eyes met. I looked into his hazel/green eyes. AWKWARDDDD haha. We laid down in my bed. 

I faced his face. We started smiling and laugh. "Ari?"

"Yeah." I replied. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?"



His eyes started getting glassy. "Im just kidding! Of course." I said

"I love you Ari."

I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I smiled and fell asleep.

In the morning...

I woke up to a note. It was from Jacob.

I left because you were sleeping and I didn't want you to getting trouble. Love you gurlfrannnnnn-Jacob

Haha. He's such a dork.

I got up and I unplugged my phone from my charger. I saw a text, it was from Jacob.

Jacob: Hey i see you're awake :) I can't hang out today...Im busy :// LOVE YAAAA BABE


Jacob: Haha see you tomorrow babe

Me: Byeee

Well. What am I supposed to do now ? Ill just watch Netflix on my Laptop.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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