Ch. 14

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Jacob's POV

Ugh. We can't find Estella and Weston.

Omg. They're on fricken kiddy ride.

Ari and I took snapchats of them. They're so funny (not to mention cute together).

"Oh hey guys!" Weston said trying to smirk, TRYING. "K you at smirking Weston." Ari said.

"Ugh. Whatever. Haters gonna hate!1!1!"He said.

"Hm. Hm. Sure. Just go to smirking class then you'll get better bro."  I said.


"Stop Jacob." Estella said.

"Whatever." I said.

"Ha!" Weston said trying to reach Estella's hand but then he fell off the horse.

I started laughing with Ari. Weston got up and jumped around like a bunny. Okay I have no idea what's wrong with him. Estella got off the horse and jumped on Weston's back. They were running all around the game area. I grabbed Ari's hand and ran behind the slide. She looked at me confusingly and I explained.

"Sorry but is really embarrassing to be with them."

"Oh that makes sense."


"Hm? Yeah?"

"I know you don't feel the same way but...I think I'm in love with you."

She looks at me surprisingly and smiled.

"I think I'm in love with you too. But let's not take things far since I just got out of a relationship."

"I understand. I'll be waiting." I smiled and hugged her.

We hugged for a moment until we hear Estella and Weston aweing us.

"Oh hush. Have you seen you guys? You are always together and cute."

Estella blushes while Weston was trying to smirk STILL.

"I think we should go home." Says Ari.

"Why!?" We all said.

"Bruh, it's 10 pm."

"Oh. Let me call my mom."

I dialed my mom's number and she said that she'll pick us up in a hour. I groaned because another hour is added to our night. I had this idea where we can just go to the park.

We walked to the park in the dark. Weston went ahead to the slide with Estella and that was a bad idea. Weston got his butt stuck on the slide since his butt is so big like Kylie Jenner's lip. Anyway I let Estella solve the problem. I pushed Ari on the swing but I pushed to hard that made Ari fall of the swing...yeahh....that was a bad idea. We went back to Chuck E. Cheese again since my mom already arrived. Mom dropped off everyone and we finally arrived at my house. I changed in my Panda onsie and went to bed dreaming about Ari...

I finally updated!!! Yasssss! Is me Estella again. Estella_Sartorius
Hope you enjoy! Vote. Comment and enjoy! Love you little potatoes. Mia will be back and I promise. Don't vote for trumptato. Peace! Stay weird!

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