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Estella's P.O.V
I stared at them with my eyes widely. They are....KISSING! My ship just sailed onto the water. I'm so happy for them. Weston kept looking at me so I smirked at him tagged him. I know how childish I am but that game never gets old.

Ari's P.O.V
Jacob and I sat down because we were too tired for looking those annoying children, aka Estella and Weston. Jacob looked at me deep on my eyes and starts to lean. I mentally squealed and leaned in too. He kissed me like BOOMMM! I pulled away because I thought about..Hayes. so I'm cheating on him? Does he even care about me? He promised me that he call me everyday but guess what? He never did that. He's probably cheating on me like who cares. I got snapped out of my thoughts with my phone ringing so I answered it.

"Hey babe!"


"I love you so much but I gotta go. I'm really busy. I'll talk to you later."


I was about to hang up but he never hung up so I stayed on the line. I heard female voice saying I love you Hayes and you better break up with that nasty girl. I didn't cry cause I knew he would cheat on me. I hung up and called again. He picked up the phone.

"Hey Hayes I just want to say we are over since I heard your conversation with your gurl over there."

"H-how did you know that? Wait! Don't leave me."

"You never hang up so I stayed on the line. Next time be smarter than dumber."

I dropped the line on him. Hey he deserves it. I looked at Jacob but he puts his head down looking at the floor.

"I'm sorry Jacob. I didn't mean to pull away cause I just remembered that I had a boyfriend."

"I understand. What do you mean I had a boyfriend?"

"Oh I broke up with him cause he was cheating on me."

"Now I don't have to worry about you with other guys."

I giggled and kept looking for Estella and Weston.

I finally updated for you guys! Sorry if it's shorter than the others! I'll try to update again! Yes it's me Estella! Peace!

Stone Heart// Jacob Sartorius Fanfic//Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora