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|At Ariana's house|
Jacob's POV

"We're here." I said waking Ariana up. "What, oh ok." She said unbuckling her seat belt. "Wait Ariana!" I said loudly. "Dude what it's like midnight shut the hell up!" She whispered at me. "Can I have your number?" I asked.

"Why? Give me one reason why." She said. Wow ok. "Um because, because, because.... I HAVE TO TEXT YOU WHEN I BRING YOUR SISTER BACK. YEAH!" I yelled proudly. "Dude, I'm going to say it again. Shut the hell up!" She said. "Oh yeah sorry." I replied. "Let me see your phone." She said holding her hand out. "But I have really important contac-" she cut me off. "Phone!" She said.

I dropped my phone in her hand. "Password." She said looking up. "7626" I replied. "Here." She said holding my phone up in my face. I grabbed it.


"Nice name." I laughed. "Oh and don't call me Ariana only my mom calls me that when I'm in trouble. Just call me Ari." She said. "Ok, Ari." I said.

She started to walk off. I texted her.

Me: it's Jacob

She looked back at me and gave me an evil smirk. I smirked back. I closed the door of the car and the driver drove off.

Later at night...

Me: hey I'm bored😕

Ari👑💯: um hey🙄😂

Me: wow even wen u txt ppl ur still rude af😂😊

Ari👑💯: that's how I roll....I guess😂

Me: ok lol

Ari👑💯: if u don't mind me being a total creep. Where exactly do u live??? Oh and  less importantly when is my sister going to come home?😂

Me: I live 5 minutes away from you and cam is driving her there rn actually.

Ari👑💯: ok. Good. Bc my mom will kill me if she doesn't get home in ten minutes.

Me: ok lol FaceTime?

Ari👑💯: lol no

Me: yes.

Ari👑💯: no.

I called her for the seventh millionth time and she answered! "Oh my lorddddd what do you want you're so annoyingggggggg." She groaned.  "I'm bored." I replied. "Go annoy like Justin bieber or something." She replied. "I don't even know Justin bieber!" I yelled. She laughed. "Calm down pretty boy." She said containing her laugh. "Hey I know I'm pretty but stop making me blush." I said actually blushing. "So will I ever see you again?" I asked her. "Probably not." She said smiling.

"You wanna know something?" I asked Ari. "Sure, I mean why not?" She replied. "I live down the street from you." I said. "Wow. Great now I have to socialize. And with you." She giggled.

"I have to go. My friend is here." I said. "K bye Sartorius." She said and ended the call.

Well, at least she doesn't hate me.

Also, I'm walking over to her house because Cam texted me and said he was there.


Ari opened the door. "Um hi." She said when she opened the door. "One little sister delivered by the one and only Jacob Sartorius and Cameron Dallas!" Cam said. "Great." She said smiling at me. "I love you!!" Cam said to her little sister Stephanie. They hugged and I gave her sister a big hug too.

Ari let her sister in and closed the door. She opened it again. "By the way thanks for bringing my sister home." She said then she closed the door again.

"At least she said thanks." I shrugged my shoulders. "Dude I ship it!" Cam yelled. "Dude it's one am be quiet! And what do you ship?" I asked a bit confused. "You and Ariana." He said. "Dude no she doesn't like me like that." I said starting to walk home. "Ok just watch." Cam said getting into the car.

I walked home, slipped into bed and started scrolling social media.


Stone Heart// Jacob Sartorius Fanfic//Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon