"Who did that?" The witch who had opened the portal demanded, her eyes now as wide as saucers. "Ready your weapons now!"

Hecate thought about using the opportunity to run away, but she knew she'd end up with an arrow in the back if she tried. So instead, she examined her surroundings in search of the assassin.

"Wait-" The witch controlling the prison of black magic began, but was suddenly cut off by a shout.

"Behind you, Esdeath!"

But the warning came too late. Soon, the witch named 'Esdeath' had been engulfed by the magic and suffered the same fate as her counterpart.

Hecate could only wonder whether the perpetrator was trying to save her, or eliminate all of them on the spot.

As soon as the witch had taken her last, painful breath, the prison of black magic shattered like glass and the slit-mouthed killer landed in the snow, stirring slightly.

"Come on, let's get out of here!" Another expressed in cowardice, gesturing to the others.

"Well, what about the girl?"

"Just kill her and come on!"

Hecate watched in fright as the two witches strung their bows in a flash and trained them on her.

"So long, Hecate." One stated coldly and released her grip on the arrow. The other one followed shortly after, and Hecate closed her eyes and waited for the incoming death.

But it never came.

Instead Hecate stood still in the unusual silence before opening her eyes slowly to find the two arrows hovering just centimeters away from her skull and heart.

The two arrows defied gravity, and they remained held back by a powerful force, until after what seemed like a year, they landed in the snow in front of her.

Shortly after, the two witches who had fired the arrows and the witch who had ordered Hecate to be killed  began to die a death far different from the ones of their counterparts. Instead of being killed by the mysterious symbols and burns, they began to cough and soon they were yanked into the air by their necks  by an invisible force.

There was a loud, awful snap and the three witches landed in the ice, now dead.

"Hecate!" A voice called from the forest, and Hecate spun around to try to locate the source. "Hecate! Over here!"

Hecate finally spotted the source of the voice, and when she did she began to laugh gratefully. "Thorn!" She yelled, running towards the dark haired woman. Before saying another word, Thorn used her magic to remove Hecate's restraints.

"Hecate," she sighed in relief, before pulling the girl into a hug. "Thank goodness you're alright."

"You're amazing, you know that?" Hecate said, squeezing Thorn tightly. It was so out of character that Thorn was taken aback by this affection.

"Well, now's not the time to celebrate. We've gotta pack up quickly and leave this town! Come on," she prompted sharply, pulling away from the hug and tugging Hecate's arm.

"Wait!" Hecate demanded, pulling her hand away. "My journal. I'm not leaving without it. Let me go back for it."

Thorn looked at her with worried eyes, before finally nodding in consent.

Hecate turned around to find Molly laying unconscious in the snow and Jeff slumped on his stomach not too far away from her, the arrow sticking out of his back.

The journal laid beside him in the snow, from when the witch who had removed it from her bag dropped it after she was killed. Hecate approached the journal slowly and reached down to pick it up.

Suddenly, Jeff's hand shot from his side and grabbed her hand tightly, holding it firmly in place. She struggled to pull it away but his grip became tighter, and more desperate.

"I..." he coughed, finally lifting his frostbitten face out of the snow, "I can't let you do that."

Hecate glared down at him, but it wasn't her usual glare. There was slight pity in her eyes. It was miniscule, but there nonetheless. "Stop being an idiot and just give it up already. This stupid book is the least of your worries."

With that, she yanked the magical arrow from his back and he groaned and cussed in pain. "Now crawl away, you pathetic creature."

And with that, she pulled her hand from his grip and jogged back towards the forest where Thorn was waiting impatiently, not knowing why she spared his life.

"So why didn't you kill him too?" Hecate asked  as they were walking down the woodland trail which would bring them closer to their house. "You killed everyone else, but you spared him. He's a problem too you know."

"Because... a spirit told me not to. I do not know why, and I don't know which spirit. But deep inside I feel that he has survived up until this point for a reason. And that if I killed him now, I would be doing a terrible thing."

Hecate looked up at her incredulously, with the condescending look of an all-knowing adult, as if the roles had been reversed. "That's ridiculous. He's a criminal! A cold hearted killer! He's taken many innocent lives. And killing him would be a terrible thing? He might come after us again! You shouldn't have let him go. I shouldn't have... let him go."

She paused, realizing she was being a complete hypocrite.

"But you did, Hecate. There was no excuse for you not killing him in the past, no matter what you try to tell yourself. You just didn't. And even if I did agree with you, I am sure that this spirit told me not to. And the number two rule for us witches..."

"Is to never ignore the wisdom of the spirits," Hecate finished begrudgingly.

Thanks for reading. Sorry if this chapter isn't super great. I've just been in the wiring dumps lately. I feel as if I'm not writing as well as before and that I'm going backwards as a writer. Anyway, feel free to vote and comment. Thanks again :)

The Magic Of Insanity (A Jeff The Killer Romance) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now