Chapter 1 : Betrayal

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Gavin practically cried the entire plane ride, he would cuss out the people who tried to console him. He didn't need that from a stranger. He wanted comfort from the people he loved but one was somewhere and the other betrayed him. He felt so alone.

It wasn't until morning that his plane landed back in America and he was on his way back to his old house.

The taxi dropped him off and while he saw no one lived in that house anymore it scared him to go in. He didn't want those memories just the ones with Jaxx.

His hazel eyes that seemed to look less swollen and red from crying looked at Jaxx's house and prayed for the first time that Jaxx was still there. He hoped if he had one that he was now broken up and prayed that jaxx had been missing him too for these past two years.
He nervously walked up to the house and rang the door bell.
Zek woke up a few days later feeling lost. He didn't remember anything, and even less why he was naked. Next to him his phone beeped with a few messages , all from Gavin. He picked up the phone happily expecting lovely messages from his lover, but The words the blond read broke his heart. He looked at the date and noticed that a whole week had gone by, and the last thing he could remeber was laying in his bed wishing time had gone by faster.
He could not understand why Gavin was saying such things. He needed to text him back. Yet when Zek When he unlocked his phone he stared at it with horror. He could not have believe what he had done. Picture after picture showed the worst side of his demon hunger. Zek could not take it anymore as he looked away.

"No...." He said to himself as he sat wrapping his as around his knees. Not moving from that spot Zek began to cry. He had lost that which he held dearest to his heart, and he could not even remeber why or exactly what happened.

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