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I woke up and felt an arm around my waist. I turn over and it's Sammy. I shake him awake and he sits up, "What Lyss?" I whine and panic, "What- where's Matt?" I start breathing very heavy and Sammy gets up and stands I front of me, "It's alright Lyss just calm dow-" I shake my head, "No where's Matt?" I say as a tear streams down my face, "No don't cry Lyss please, I hate seeing you cry ba-" I cut him off, "Why would he just leave me?" He wipes away my tears, "I don't know baby-" he pauses and crouches down in front of me, "I'm sorry." I put my face in my hand sand start balling my eyes out. He panics, "No Lyss please, just- I'll- I'll bring you home." I shake my head, "He doesn't want me there." "No Lyss he does he um- he was probably really drunk last night so he drove home and passed out right as he walked through the doors." I look up at him, "Don't cry, you're too cute to cry." He leads me out to his car and then we pull into Matt's drive way after driving for quit a bit. He walks up to the front door and leads me in. He yells out, "Matt?" While holding my hand, "Ma-" but was cut off by a girl walking around the corner, "Can I help you?" I almost about died, it's the same girl. Matt walks around the corner, "Who is it ba- oh." I cover my mouth and Sammy looks at him as if he's insane, "Matt what did you do?" Matt chuckles, "I think we both know what I did." Sammy lets go of my hand and I quietly have a panic attack. The girl turns to Matt, "I gotta go baby. See you later." And then kisses him. I start hyperventilating and I'm sobbing. I then feel myself get light headed and stumble back a little but, then catch my balance. Sammy walks over to Matt, "What the hell is wrong with y-" I cut him off, "Sammy leave." He looks at me confused, "Wh-" "Just fucking leave alright?" He leaves and it's just Matt and I. I rush past him and go into his room. Why does he always have to be so dumb. He always does something wrong but, somehow it's always my fault. He follows after me, "What're you doing?" I ignore him and start grabbing my things. He rushed over to me and grabs a tight grip on my wrist, "Alyssa what are you doing?" I look at him shocked and he looks down at his hand and let's go. He grabbed the same exact spot as before, "I'm leaving." He follows me, "Was it worth it Matt? What did I do wrong? Why am I never and will never be good enough for you?" He scoffs, "Yeah right try and make yourself the victim I saw you yesterday." I stop, "What're you talking about?" I scream at him, "With Sammy, him carrying you up the stairs to his bedroom." I scoff, "You're such an idiotic, ignorant ass. If only you knew." He followed me as I still grabbed my thing, "Knew what Alyssa? What was he better than me? How long have you been fu-" "I wasn't fucking having sex with Sammy last night you asshole." He looked a little shocked, "W-what?" He looked like he might regret what he had just done, "Sammy was taking me to his room because I was tired and s-some guy tried to r-rape me." He looked at me so sad, "Wait what? Why didn't you c-come to me last night?" "I tried to tell you that we should leave you ignored me. And you were with your little girlfriend when it was all happening. Sammy actually stopped him, I was trying to run to find you but, you were too busy to care." Matt walks up to me, "A-Alyssa I-I'm sorry baby. I didn't know, I wish I would have-" "Was it worth it, was she worth it?" He falls to the ground and rests his hands on his knees and sobs into his hands. "Alyssa I'm the worst person in the world. God I hate myself for what I did to you. I mean for god sakes I man handled your delicate little arm and bruised it. I hate myself, I'm a worthless piece of trash." He sobs into his hands and I just stand there shocked at his words. He looks up at me and gets up, with tears streaming down his face. He takes my hand in his, "You've got to believe me when I say I only did that because, I was hurt at the thought of you cheating on me with one of my best friends. I swear to god I wish I could just crawl in a hole and die." He looks at me for a while, "See you hate me, who am I kidding, of course you do. What kind of piece of shit boyfriend does this? I just want to die from what I did." He looks at me with the most hurt expression, "Please Alyssa I swear I didn't know-" "How would you, you were too busy." I grab my bag and go to walk out the door to the Uber I called. He chases after me, "No please Alyssa don't leave, you can't leave me please." He shuts the door before I can leave, "Matt. You just had sex with a girl in the bed that you have me sleep in. You had sex with a girl, not caring or thinking about me, when all I could think about was getting back to see you." "Alyssa all I could think about was you while I did that. How hurt I was from you cheating on me." "Funny because, you were hurt from something that I didn't do, but you did. I woke up in Sammy's bed having a panic attack because, of the thought you could just drop me and leave me. Not even caring if I was hurt or anything." He shakes his head, "Baby no please don't leave, if you leave I-I might-" "You might what Matt? Sleep with her again?" I go to walk out the door and stop, "Was that Malory?" He didn't respond, all you could hear was his heavy breathing. After waiting for his response, "Funny Matt, really really funny. You're just friends with her is what you told me. But, I guess my instinct was right." "Alyssa she means nothing to me I swear on my life." "Don't swear on your life over a lie." I then walk out and get into the Uber and sob uncontrollably until we got to the hotel I was staying at. I just sat for hours, hours turned into days. I sat without any move meant for days, but I'm sure Matt is having the time of his life. I check my phone and see a bunch of calls from Matt. I lock my phone and just sit there in awe again..

1201 words
Yeah I really like this part of the book..

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